Living close to wind farms can lead to a greater risk of heart disease, panic attacks and migraines, according to a study. The farms can cause 'wind turbine syndrome', the symptoms of which also include tinnitus, vertigo and sleep deprivation, research to be published later this year claims.

Dr Nina Pierpoint, a leading New York paediatrician, says her five-year study of people living near wind turbines in the U.S., Britain, Italy, Ireland and Canada has led her to believe that they can also trigger nightmares in children and stop their brains developing properly.

There are 219 wind farms in Britain, and Climate Change Secretary Ed Miliband has plans for around 4,000 extra turbines to be installed.

Dr Pierpoint, a fellow of the American Academy of Paediatrics, believes turbines are dangerous because the low frequency sounds they emit interfere with the ear's vestibular system, which controls our sense of balance.

These sounds - which are too low frequency for the human ear to hear - cause a group of symptoms she calls 'visceral vibratory vestibular disturbance', or VVVD.

They cause problems such as quivering, nervousness, fear, a compulsion to flee, chest tightness and tachycardia or increased heart rate. The noise from turbines can also trigger nightmares and other disorders in children as well as harm cognitive development in the young, she claims.

Dr Pierpoint says not everyone who lives near such wind turbines is susceptible.

But she said: 'There is no doubt that my clinical research shows that the infrasonic to ultrasonic noise and vibrations emitted by wind turbines cause the symptoms which I am calling wind turbine syndrome. The wind industry will try to dis-credit me, but I can cope with that. This is not unlike the tobacco industry dismissing health issues from smoking.'

She added: 'It's been gospel among acousticians for years that if a person can't hear a sound, it's too weak for it to be detected or registered by any other part of the body. But this is no longer true. Humans can hear through the bones. This is amazing. It would be heretical if it hadn't been shown in a well-conducted experiment.'

Dr Pierpoint argued that future wind farms should be built at least two kilometres (1.2 miles) from homes.

Most scientists believe there is no health risk from wind turbines, saying her analysis is based on a sample size which is far too small to draw any conclusions.

Her study is based on 38 people. But she has received backing for her findings, with Professor Lord May, former chief scientific adviser to the Government, describing her research as 'impressive, interesting and important'.

And Dr Christopher Hanning, founder of the British Sleep Society, said the research should be required reading for all planners considering wind farms.

'Like so many earlier medical pioneers exposing the weaknesses of current orthodoxy, Dr Pierpoint has been subject to much denigration and criticism,' he said.

A spokesman for the British Wind Energy Association said: 'An independent study on wind farms and noise in 2007 found only four complaints from around 2,000 turbines in the country.

'Wind turbines are quite safe and sustainable. It is not surprising that, according to a recent report, 94 per cent of people who live near wind turbines are in favour of them. There is no scientific research to suggest that wind turbines are in any way harmful.'