© Sabah Arar / Rex FeaturesIn Baghdad, a boy stares at a wall painting of the well-known photograph of an abused Iraqi prisoner at Abu Ghraib prison
In a fight against terrorism, information is everything.

The White House attempted to draw a line under the dubious intelligence-gathering practices of the Bush administration last week by announcing the creation of a special interrogation group that will use "scientifically proven means" to extract information from detainees with links to violent extremist groups.

It also indicated it would start a research programme to compare the effectiveness of different methods. But to what extent can science help determine what constitutes an adequate interrogation technique?

Science has thus far played a minimal role in this. The last comprehensive review (PDF) of the effectiveness of interrogation methods, which was published in 2006 by the US government's Intelligence Science Board and was one of the triggers for last week's announcement, concluded that there had been almost no empirical research into interrogation methods in the past 40 years.

As a result, interrogators had been forced to "make it up on the fly", wrote forensic psychologist Robert Fein of Harvard Medical School, who chaired the review. The lack of research-based methods, he said, may have led to "unfortunate cases of abuse".

The empirical vacuum applies particularly to techniques for eliciting information from strongly resistant prisoners. Former US vice-president Dick Cheney and others claim the use of methods such as water-boarding on Al-Qaida suspects have led to significant intelligence breakthroughs.

Folklore of pain

Yet Darius Rejali, an expert on modern torture and interrogation at Reed College, Portland, Oregon, claims such approaches are never scientific because people's capacity for different kinds of pain varies so considerably.

"There is little empirical evidence of a science of torture, only misleading folklore about pain," he says.

Furthermore, several studies have shown that coercive interrogation or torture also increases the risk of false confessions, since people will often say anything just to make it stop (see The Psychology of Interrogations and Confessions by Gisli Gudjonsson, Wiley 2002).

The biggest challenge facing the Obama administration could be convincing the intelligence community that empirical research can improve results. Many interrogators hold the view that interrogation is a craft that does not lend itself to scientific method.

"If you have the same person being interrogated in the same environment with all the same treatment and the same approaches, but by two different interrogators, you're going to get two different outcomes," one US field interrogator told New Scientist.


Whether or not interrogation is effective is not the only question the US government must consider. It must also ask whether or when it is morally justifiable to use it.

Scientists are no better placed than anyone else to answer this, but they can help with a related question: are there any methods that are "scientifically proven" to cause no lasting damage (see New Scientist's series of articles introduced by They have ways of making you talk)?

Most psychologists who deal with victims of torture and interrogation are clear about this: there are none.

"Any interrogation technique can cause psychological damage if applied inappropriately or if the technique itself is psychologically coercive," says Gisli Gudjonsson, a forensic psychologist at the Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London.