Black triangle image
© Unknown
The following accounting is presented here verbatim, directly from the witness report filed with Mufon. At right is a computer-graphics image submitted by the witness to illustrate what they had observed.

Route 11, South Carolina - 4/9/2009

"A friend and I were driving from Atlanta to Asheville, North Carolina, via Route 11 in South Carolina. We were in separate vehicles and I was following behind. Suddenly, from over the tree line to the right of us, appeared a massive triangular craft turned on it''s own axis. The object turned onto its right side exposing lights all the way around the edges. My friend and I both instantly swerved, thinking a plane was crashing onto the road. We slowed down to get a better look as this thing floated slowly and silently right over our vehicles, crossing the road diagonally. If we had stopped, we could have literally thrown a rock at the object. The moon was behind some thin clouds and illuminated the sky enough to see the silhouette of the object go from the vertical position back to a parallel position with the ground. I clearly saw three lights on each corner of an equilateral triangle. We went over a hill, and the object disappeared from sight".

Sightings continue in Florida and Colorado......

Aurora, Colorado - 4/8/2009 - The witness was standing in their backyard facing west/northwest, when they looked up at the sky directly above their head. To the witness' amazement they saw a bright white object hovering at a high altitude. It was moving very slowly then started a slight turn, before moving in a northwesterly direction towards the mountains. There was no evidence of any sound emitted, flashing lights, or contrail.

Brandon, Florida - 4/7/2009 - Witness noticed a brilliant neon green cylinder-shaped object come from the southeast heading toward the northwest on a fairly straight trajectory. The object seemed as large as a half-moon. During the object's pass, the witness noticed a bright red color in the center, with three white trails following behind it. The object was only in sight for four to five seconds before the witness lost track of it beyond some nearby trees.