Posted: April 5, 2009

Date: N/A
Time: 3:30 p.m.

I was ten years old, I was walking alone coming home from school in a remote part of S.W. Scotland around 3.30 in the afternoon. I looked towards the hills where I saw an orange light. I watched it and slowly realized that it was going to hit me. Before it collided with me I saw it resembled a teardrop composed of many different smaller teardrops of yellow, orange and red colours. It hit me in the chest and I passed out.

Later my brother found me unconscious on the grass verge of the road. My parents believed my story and took me to hospital where I was given an EEG. This showed high alpha wave activity in my brain. I remember being inside a small room with an old man with very wrinkled skin. Since then I have seen UFOs on three further occasions but no contact. Once I watched something overhead on a beach in Crete with two friends. We 'lost' time and were sunburned afterwards.