© A Gal-Yam/Weizmann Institute of Science/D Leonard/San Diego State UniversityArchival images suggest that a 2005 supernova was caused by the explosion of a luminous blue variable, a bright young star that is not expected to explode

A massive young star seems to have exploded before its time, new Hubble Space Telescope images reveal. The star, the heftiest to have been linked to a supernova explosion, could challenge models of when stellar furnaces end their lives. Stars heavier than about eight times the mass of the Sun end their lives in dramatic explosions when the nuclear furnaces at their cores run out of fuel and collapse into neutron stars or black holes.

Hundreds of supernovae are seen each year, but astronomers have only identified a handful of the stars responsible for the dramatic blasts. To do so, they must dig through archived images to identify the doomed stars before the explosions, checking again years after the blasts to confirm their disappearance. Now a team led by Avishay Gal-Yam of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel has found one of these supernova 'progenitors' that seems to be a true outlier. The star, which once sat in the galaxy NGC 266, some 200 million light years away, briefly brightened the sky in a 2005 explosion before disappearing entirely.

Too soon

The Hubble observations suggest the erstwhile star was a luminous blue variable, a massive star at least 50 times as heavy as the Sun that jettisons most of itself material into space in a series of outbursts. Eta Carinae, wedged between gigantic hourglass-shaped clouds of material that it sloughed off, is a classic example of this kind of star.

That classification was surprising, since luminous blue variables were not expected to explode. Stellar models predict that the stars should evolve further - into other stellar types, shedding all of the hydrogen on their surfaces and most of their mass, before running out of fuel and going supernova.

But "our star when it exploded still had some of its hydrogen envelope. It seems to have exploded before its time," says team member Douglas Leonard of San Diego State University in California.

Unknown cause

This explosion could have happened as much as a million years too early, Leonard says. But its age cannot be pinned down very precisely. A star's lifetime is governed largely by its mass, which can be estimated by scrutinising its colour. But the archived Hubble images had data at only one wavelength of light, precluding a good estimate of its mass and age.

The cause for the explosion is unknown. "At this point conventional theory doesn't have a good explanation for this," Leonard told New Scientist.

One possibility, Leonard says, is that the star was actually close to death at its core, and for some reason did not lose all the hydrogen on its surface, appearing 'healthy'.

In the core, all lightweight elements could have been fused together to create iron, the heaviest atom stars can produce. Strapped for fuel, the core would not have been able to resist the inward pressure of gravity. Its electrons and protons would have combined to form a neutron star while shock waves would have ripped through the star's outer layers, creating a supernova.

'Extraordinary discovery'

But if the star was massive enough, the explosion might have been more exotic. High temperatures and pressures in the core might have converted light into particle pairs in which one particle is an electron and the other is its antimatter counterpart, a positron. This could cause a drop in pressure that could eventually ignite runaway nuclear reactions that could rip the star to shreds.

Astronomers have suggested that such a process could explain some surprisingly bright supernovae observed in recent years. But it's not yet clear whether this antimatter scenario could explain the death of the star in the new study, since its supernova was not extraordinary.

The find could also be a challenge to some stellar models that predict that the heftiest stars, those weighing more than roughly 40 solar masses, should collapse directly into black holes without exploding as supernovae.

"I think it's quite an extraordinary discovery," says astronomer Stephen Smartt of Queen's University Belfast in the UK. Smartt, who also searches for the stars responsible for observed supernovae, reported two such discoveries last week. "This really does call for us to revisit our models to see if we can get an explosion in this regime."

Journal reference: Nature (DOI: link)