space debris
© Unknown
In February, the Earth will have a visitor. The Comet Lulin is going to cut through the planet's orbit by the end of next month. The comet will be seen to naked eyes in the East and South-East of the morning sky. The comet was discovered in 2007.

Comet Lulin is already visible before dawn between the constellations Scorpio and Libra and can be sighted in the East to South-East morning sky with telescopes.

Comet Lulin, with two tails, is said to be a visual phenomenon when it cuts across Earth's orbital plane in late February.

Amateur astronomers claim to have spotted the comet through their mid-sized telescopes despite it's being faint at the moment.

The almost parabolic orbit of Comet Lulin suggests this could be its first visit to the inner solar system.

Visibility of the comet will improve in February. as the Earth-comet distance becomes shorter. At the closest approach on February 24, the comet should brighten to about fifth magnitude. At that time it will be visible to the unaided eyes, as well.

The comet, at its closest, will be about 61 million kilometers from the Earth. Comet Lulin (C/2007 N3) was discovered in 2007 by a collaborative team of Taiwanese and Chinese astronomers.