Over the past month, from December 2008 to January 2009, there has been an increase in UFO sighting throughout Mexico.

Daniel Sanchez Rosales has been a witness to this activity. He recorded several of these objects over the Moctezuma District, a neighborhood adjacent to Mexico City International Airport (MCIA).

Here is his video:

The strangest UFO shown in this recording, in my opinion, is the one that occupies the fifth place in the sequence (at 2:22 minutes), as it presents a potent light that appears to divide itself after entering a translucent shape. A complex explanation, but this exists in the skies over Mexico.

Daniel Sanchez says: "I have seen UFOs emerging from a specific location, practically out of thin air. I've even come to think that a dimensional doorway may exist at that location. I'm referring to the area located above the Multivision antennae. I have the courage to say it, even though I'm a professional person. This is a fact; it's not a subject for lunatics or fools. The UFOs I've recorded come from this location. I've also noticed," he adds, "That the spheres emit synchronized flashes, as thought following a pattern - two flashes before contracting. Could this be some sort of code, like our own Morse code? I really don't know, although I've pondered the option. I even told my nephew - who always accompanies on these skywatches - that we'll signal them with mirrors to see what happens. We want to prove [the theory] that there is a purpose to these flashes, or discard it altogether." UFO reports have been numerous, as though a mini-flap were underway. We will keep you informed.