Man spots diamond shaped object in the sky

UFOs have been seen flying over Clydebank, it has been claimed.

Despite it sounding like the latest X-Files plot for Mulder and Scully to investigate, John McGregor genuinely believes that he has spotted the unexplained objects floating in the sky over the Clyde.

The 54-year-old is so convinced that these mysterious shapes hovering above the town are UFOs that he has passed on his video footage to the Ministry of Defence for it to hold on record.

John told the Post: "I've filmed quite a number of UFOs and I always keep the camera ready just in case I see anything, which is how I have captured my film.

"When I closed in on the latest object I realised it was not a conventional aircraft so I thought it was a bit unusual.

"It was a diamond shaped object and just did not look like anything that I had seen before - it was very strange."

The film shows the white object moving around, quicker than the clouds that surround it.

John, from Whiteinch, never used to be a believer, but after spotting countless UFOs since he saw his first in 2004, he has become fascinated by the subject.

Many of John's sightings have been above the flight path for Glasgow Airport - which is over Whitecrook and Linnvale - so perhaps the residents there have now got even more to be concerned about than their continued fight against airport noise.

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