One of the reasons for the nation's growing obesity problem may be because so many people rely on instant meals as they do not have even basic cooking skills.

Almost eight in 10 people do not know how to roast a chicken or even boil an egg, shocking figures have revealed.

Despite the glamourous efforts of TV chefs like Delia Smith and Nigella Lawson, many cannot make themselves the simplest of meals, according to the poll.

Some 79% of the 1,500 adults surveyed could not boil an egg, 83% did not know how long it took to roast a chicken and 9% thought it took less than 30 minutes to roast potatoes.

More than a third thought British staple shepherd's pie is made with beef mince rather than lamb mince.

Half of men blamed their poor skills on their education and lack of cookery classes at school.

However, 41% of 16 to 24-year-olds regularly cooked with their parents when they were younger, compared with 28% of over-65s, the research by Somerfield found.

Somerfield spokesman Pete Williams said: "A lot of us are still baffled Brits when it comes to cooking even the most simple of dishes.

"Long may the trend for today's parents to pass on their culinary skills to their offspring continue.

"It would be criminal to rob future generations of classic dishes such as shepherd's pie because we've failed to pass on the necessary skills."