He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.
It seems the Jews Zionist Khazars want to Make Pogroms Great Again. Most people don't know the difference - which is how it happened before,...
With long enough rope, the Germans can pull the "Greens" up to that windmill towers, and tie them to the propeller blades. Or use nails to fix...
Damn! U SA bound immigrants turning around, Ukrainian soldiers surrendering, DOJ dropping lawfare. And the guy is not even in office yet. Trump...
What a joke upon humanity these zigaboos are - a bad joke - not funny. ~ but rest assured - nobody will ever, ever again trust any product had...
12 Million times millions harmed = what? Suggests some pharma entities may soon be insolvent. Of course work your way up the ladder of harm.......
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