A chicken named Rabanita from the central Mexican village of Huecatitla became a local celebrity after her owner said she lays green eggs, the Televisa TV channel said on Thursday.

The owner Elvira Romero said that she was given Rabanita as part of governmental aid for villagers. At first the ordinary-looking brown hen was no different to her other 13 birds, but suddenly on December 5 she began laying green eggs.

"My children say that God looks favorably on me so that I was given as a prize a chicken that lays green eggs," the woman was quoted as saying.

When Romero saw a green egg for the first time, she thought that it was rotten, but later discovered that green shell has no impact on the egg's taste.

Scientists say that Rabanita could be an exotic species, such as a Guinea hen or Araucana chicken, which sometimes lay green- or blue-shelled eggs and are common in South America.