Online encyclopaedia Wikipedia might have to close because it only has enough funding for another four months.
Florence Devouard, chairwoman of the Wikimedia Foundation, told the Lift07 conference that the outfit might join the Everywhere Girl and disappear from the Interweb.

Wikipedia normally raises a $1 million a year, this year it has raised $1.1 million. But it claims that it needs $5 million a year to sustain operations.

Reflecting the consistency of that organ of knowledge, it seems that Devouard's comments have been hastily deleted and replaced by another spokesWikipedia denying that it was true.

Sandy Ordonez claimed that Devouard's comment was taken out of context and Wikipedia will not be closing any time soon.

She claimed that Devouard was simply referring to the ongoing, pressing needs for funds that Wikipedia, like most nonprofit organisations, face.