Mother of two grown children. Love everything in the area of alternative medicine. Have degrees in Reiki II, Therapeutic Touch, and have studied and uses Homeopathy, Reflexology and Flower Essences. Also love to experiment with "Companion Planting" in the garden.
All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible.
Note the date. It has meaning for the Satanists.
Not just in the US, this is a recent video of Chilean women admonishing a Haitian immigrant who wanted their cats: [Link]
He has no choice, he understands that the west and in particular the Septic Tanks are not honourable actor’s, judge them by their actions not...
Oh Shit - - what you got to say bout this? Nothing? I love our "one-way" conversation you blessed me with! ;) Blame it on the Te-Tons I reckon....
46% of Americans didn't read a book in 2023 …but they surely watched some „adult movie” instead, as a „replacement”! ;)
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