Now, Biden's rating tumbled again. Armstrong says,
"It is basically hovering around 7.5% to 8% at this stage. I know this goes against the mainstream media, but if you look at Google, it is really politically motivated. . . . The other number you need to look at is the confidence in government, and it is at 28%. . . . This number is unheard of since World War II.(I have another confidential data miner source who backs up Armstrong's numbers, including the latest 8% job approval number, with nearly identical Biden job approval numbers going back two years. So, yes, there are two solid sources for Biden's true approval rating.)
You will never see Biden's real numbers on the Lying Legacy Media (LLM), but everybody at the top of the D.C. swamp knows how weak Biden really is.
What does this record low Biden approval rating mean? Armstrong explains,
"What you have to be concerned about is our computer is showing a massive panic cycle in September. This is very curious because the Democrat convention is August 19th. . . . At that convention, they can just draft somebody. That has been the rumor for quite some time. They know Biden is really quite pathetic. The Neocons like him because they can do whatever they want. The climate change people are doing the same thing. . . . The President is supposed to act as a referee in the cabinet, and he's not even there 40% of the time. The collapse in government is because all these agencies are just doing the wrong thing, and nobody is standing in-between. You've got the State Department threatening World War III. . . .The problem is a government will fail when you can't sell the new debt to pay off the old. That's when a default comes. . . . That's how a default takes place. You have these Neocons in the State Department constantly trying to create WWIII. Why would you buy a 10-year bond in the face of war? Interest rates always go up in wartime. We don't have a President running as referee between all these agencies."Armstrong says, "Everything is pointing towards war."
Armstrong sees an important turn date coming up and explains,
"If we don't have war, the Fed may do a rate cut after May . . . . I don't see Powell doing a rate cut at this stage. Our computers see the economy expanding into May, and the ideal peak is May 7th. After that, we are going to move into a recessionary atmosphere up to 2028. It is an inflationary period, and inflation will be rising above economic growth, and that is stagflation."On record high gold prices, Armstrong says, "Gold prices go up when confidence in government goes down. . . . I expect the gold price will be at least around the $5,000 per ounce level by 2027 or 2028."
There is much more in the 50-minute interview.
Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with Martin Armstrong, who will preview his "Mid-year Seminar" in London at the end of May for 4.2.24.
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After the Interview:
There is some free information, analysis and articles on
There are many new and recent reports to consider buying by clicking here.
The upcoming event Armstrong is hosting is called the "Mid-year Seminar" in London on May 24 - 25. There are tickets available for the in-person conference and multiple option packages to buy for streaming. (This is the first overseas event Martin Armstrong has hosted since 2019.)
If you are looking to buy physical gold and silver coins, check out our sponsor Discount Gold and Silver Trading. Ask for Melody Cedarstrom, the owner, at 1-800-375-4188.
Reader Comments
Since JFK, the American public has had little say in who is (s)elected president. Everyone now knows that to run for president with the serious intention to oppose the deep state on serious matters is to risk assassination. Reagan was less than obedient and received some attitude adjustments. Trump was a miscalculation, "controlled" opposition supposed to lose. They underestimated the ballot fraud necessary to defeat him. (That error was corrected in 2020.) Since he had the support of the MIC, Big Pharma and Israel, and had appointed many deep staters, shooting him would cause complications. They decided instead to weaponize the media, "justice" dept. and courts to prevent him from accomplishing anything they disliked (or give him plausible excuses).
So what is ahead? I can only guess and will make some: 1. Most likely they allow Trump to win and blame him for the coming financial collapse? and/or WWIII? 2. Votes are manipulated to throw the election into the House? 3. Events occur (war, dollar collapse, actual insurrection, grid collapse etc.) so to excuse that elections do not happen? Whatever the plan, it will not be the "will of the people".
War seems the most plausible magic act they could do.
Destroy the next generation of men and women...something they did not achieve with CV19 or the genetic jabs...
Digitize the economy 100%. Dollar bills become worthless. And acts of inflation and deflations fluctuate as fast as gas prices. All food pricing becomes a scanned tag that fluctuates moment to moment
we all get rations on our digital wallets....X number of gallons of gas, natural gas, and food stuffs...etc.