Vance wrote,
"Long overdue, but it's time to break Google up. This matters far more than any other election integrity issue. The monopolistic control of information in our society resides with an explicitly progressive technology company."
"In October and November, as millions of undecided voters consider their choice for president, they will go to Google and ask "Did Donald Trump say X?" "Is Biden too old to be president?" The results they see will be explicitly biased towards Democrats. A threat to democracy."
Vance issued his call after journalist Tim Pool shared a report from AllSides, a media bias watchdog, discussing how Google News's bias has only increased since the 2022 midterm elections.
"63% of articles came from media outlets AllSides rates as Lean Left or Left. Just 6% were from the right," AllSides wrote.
Google's leftist bias not only includes Google News, it also impacts its search.
AllSides noted:
"For search terms like 'abortion' and 'election', results were also mostly from Lean Left outlets. Outlets on the right never accounted for more than 12% of results, except for the term 'Biden'."
Vance is not the only person to note Google's progressive bias.
Tesla CEO and X/Twitter owner Elon Musk said Google is running "insane racist, anti-civilizational programming," which was exhibited in the tech giant's AI fiasco.
Musk wrote Thursday:
"I'm glad that Google overplayed their hand with their AI image generation, as it made their insane racist, anti-civilizational programming clear to all."Google's AI platform, Gemini, engendered backlash after its AI image generator created politically correct but historically inaccurate images in response to user prompts.
"The problem is not just Google Gemini, it's Google search too," Musk said in response to the New York Post's Douglas Murray's "Google's push to lecture us on diversity goes beyond AI."
Sharing an example, Musk wrote, "I just typed in a Google query on my phone and the top two choices are pro censorship!"
Reader Comments
Errol Musk, Elon's father, went to school at Christian Brothers College (CBC) in Pretoria and matriculated in 1963. At that time I was at Pretoria Boys High and also matriculated in 1963. Errol Musk and I were conscripted into the South African military in 1964 and were in the same training base. Later Errol went to Pretoria University and was a close friend of a friend of mine, Trevor C and we stayed in touch. Errol and I also practiced martial arts (karate under Stan Schmidt) for may years. Errol's brother, Michael Musk has been the family's dermatologist for more than 40 years.
His mother May Musk (Nee Haldeman) and her twin sister, Kay, were a close friends of my wife, Dianne (now deceased) and they practiced Yoga together. We often visited the Haldeman family at their home in a rural part of Pretoria.
What is a mystery to me is how Elon became so wealthy so quickly. But jewish?? No, I have my doubts
There is no 'left' in Amerika - only liberals and conservatives.
PS - 'Liberals' are not 'left' - Liberalism is a pernicious creed based on individual freedom to do anything, including from 'buy your own island' to 'starve under a bridge'. Liberals are capitalists. Leftists are not.