The city of Buraidah in Saudi Arabia woke to an unusual spectacle on Thursday, as a wave of hail showers transformed the arid cityscape into a winter wonderland. A phenomenon seldom seen in this part of the world, the hailstorm left the city blanketed in white, turning streets, vehicles, and buildings into a surreal icy tableau.

Historically known for its hot and dry climate, Saudi Arabia is no stranger to extreme weather conditions. However, the recent shower of hail in Buraidah was an anomaly that left locals and visitors alike in awe. The hailstones, in their rapid descent, swiftly covered the city, lending it a stark, white allure. The spectacle was a stark contrast to the usual sun-baked landscapes, offering a unique visual treat for the city's inhabitants.

The City Responds

As the hail fell, local authorities were put on high alert. The primary focus was to manage any disruptions the hailstorm may cause, particularly regarding traffic and public safety. Despite the challenges, the city's quick response ensured that life continued with minimal interruption, even amidst the icy spectacle.