- Nov. 14, 2023 (Washington Post) - Scientists have discovered what may be the first 'vampire' virus
- Nov. 13, 2023 (Telegraph) - How to break the cycle of panic and neglect surrounding pandemics
- Nov. 13, 2023 (GAVI) - To Prevent the Next Pandemic, Follow the Science
- Nov. 13, 2023 (Singularity Hub) - How Generative AI Could Help Us Predict the Next Pandemic
- Nov. 10, 2023 (Fortune) - These 4 lethal viruses could fuel the next pandemic, new research says. What they are — and how the world can prepare
- Nov. 6, 2023 (The Hill) - CDC adding flu, RSV surveillance at major US airports
- Nov. 4, 2023 (Daily Mail) - Next pandemic deemed the 'Big One' could be the most contagious and deadliest disease known to humanity, scientists warn
- Oct. 30, 2023 (European Pharmaceutical Review) - Are we globally prepared for the next pandemic?
- Oct. 29, 2023 (The Atlantic) - The Viral Threat Almost No One Is Thinking About
- Oct. 17, 2023 (RUDAW) - World not prepared for a new pandemic: Health officials
- Sep. 23, 2023 (WION) - 'Disease X' likely to prove 20 times deadlier compared to COVID-19, hints expert
- overwhelming sense of Covid fatigue means the world again faces the prospect of embracing a new era of neglect
- when "Disease X" and the next pandemic strikes, we may again be inadequately prepared to mitigate the huge loss of life and economic disruption that we experienced from Covid-19.
- non-profit global Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) has also launched a bold strategy called 'Cepi 2.0' which, in response to future outbreaks, aims to develop a safe and effective vaccine in a mere 100 days
- risk of viruses jumping from animals to humans with subsequent human-to-human transmission fuelling another pandemic remains very real given the relentless ongoing impact of climate change, urbanisation and globalisation.
- "no one is safe until everyone is"
- Singapore has also often been cited as one of the countries which came through the pandemic well - state adopted a whole-of-government and pan-health sector approach that assembled scientists, clinicians, infectious disease and public health experts, regulators, health policy makers and senior government officials in several key committees to ensure a seamless "lab to jab" process for expediting vaccines procurement and mass immunisation.
- "Regulatory agility" is an imperative for future pandemic preparedness, given that delayed actions in expediting approval and access to new vaccines resulted in major loss of life and socio-economic disruption
- At the global level, partnerships among vaccine-centric international organisations such as Cepi and regulatory agency coalitions could be strengthened and formalised
- Collectively address challenges:
- 1. sustainable financing to support vaccine research
- 2. reducing regulatory burden
- 3. combatting vaccine hesitancy
- 4. promoting equitable vaccines access in low and middle-income countries
- In this inter-pandemic phase, we cannot afford to roll back what we have achieved and forget or waste the personal sacrifices made by many
- "Trust in science and expertise has been and remains vital for implementing effective control measures"
- policy makers must foster international cooperation in preparation for future pandemics while maintaining public confidence in science and experts through clear communication
- "Promoting open-access publication and fostering data sharing among researchers is no longer sufficient; we must translate data into comprehensible and actionable insights."
- 7 Key priorities:
- 1. promote evidence-based culture, encourage policy makers to consult scientific experts and consider their recommendations
- 2. to get & sustain public support, scientists must build bridges between policymakers, society and scientific community
- 3. regular briefings and meetings where scientist can update policymakers
- 4. focus on improving scientific literacy among policymakers
- 5. modeling and scenario planning to help policymakers with decisions
- 6. regular risk assessments to identify potential pandemic threats
- 7. policymakers must recognize complexity of today's threats - public health risks are intertwined with climatic, environmental and social crises - need multidisciplinary and multisectoral approach to tackle interconnected emergencies
- GAVI calls on policymakers to establish interdisciplinary One Health committees to bring together policymakers, experts, scientists from various disciplines to analyze scientific evidence, propose strategies and provide guidance to decision makers
- GAVI advocates the development of country-level mechanisms that would facilitate discussions between scientists, decision-makers, and the general public.
- Actively engaging with the public and the media will be crucial to fostering an understanding of the science behind public-health measures and ensuring that the right messages are communicated clearly and effectively.
- An AI developed by Harvard University could turn the tide by allowing us to predict new variants before they arrive. Called EVEscape, the AI is a kind of machine "oracle" for viral evolution.
- The algorithm was able to predict frequent mutations and troubling variants for Covid-19 and generated a list of future concerning variants
- Tool wasn't built for Covid-19 only: also accurately predicts variants for flu & HIV
- uses evolutionary genomics to peek into a virus's ancestry, resulting in longer forecasts and, potentially, enough time to plan ahead and fight back.
- the AI predicted spike proteins to be the flexible component of the virus mostly likely to evolve.
- EVEscape's superpower is that it can be used with other viruses
- Lassa and Nipah viruses, sporadically break out in West African and Southwest Asian countries and have pandemic potential. The viruses can be treated with antibodies, but they rapidly mutate.
- EVEscape has the power to predict future variants of viruses — even those yet unknown. It could estimate the risk of a pandemic, potentially keeping us one step ahead the next outbreak.
- The team is now using the tool to predict the next SARS-CoV-2 variant.
- the new AI toolkit could help thwart the next pandemic
- "Deaths from a handful of viruses that spill over from animals to humans are set to increase 12-fold by 2050 due to climate change"
- New study published in British Medical Journal: "Historical trends demonstrate a pattern of increasingly frequent and severe spillover events of high-consequence zoonotic viruses"
- Researchers at Boston-based biotech firm Ginkgo Bioworks honed in on four viruses likely to pose a significant public health risk and endanger economic or political stability. Called zoonotic viruses, they spill over from animals to humans
- The 4 viruses are:
- 1. Ebola & Marburg - cause hemorrhagic fevers with bleeding from bodily orifices and internal organs.
- Ebola & Marburg on average kill 50% of the infected, fatality ranges 25 to 90%
- There is a vaccine for deadliest Ebola strain, but only 1 of 5 strains
- No vaccine for Marburg
- 2. SARS1 - first coronavirus pandemic in China in 2002
- spread to two dozen countries in North & South America & Europe before it was contained 7 months later
- fatality rate was 10%
- originated in bats, then passed to civet cats, then people
- no vaccine for SARS1, researchers working on "universal coronavirus vaccine" for both SARS and COVID
- 3. Nipah - first identified in pigs in Malaysia and Singapore in late 1980s
- natural reservoir is fruit bats
- flu-like symptoms that can progress to encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) and other neurological symptoms and death
- kills 45% to 75% of people it infects
- Moderna is working with NIH on an mRNA Vaccine
- 4. Machupo - known as black typhus, Bolivian hemorrhagic fever
- first isolated in Bolivian in 1959
- field mouse is natural carrier
- Ebola like symptoms: bleeding, high fever, pain, rapid death
- kills 25% to 33% of the infected.
- no vaccine
- Viruses not looked at by the study: Lassa, Zika, Influenza
- Bloody fevers lead outbreaks, deaths
- more than half the outbreaks they studied were Marburg & Ebola
- the number of viral spill-over events of these four viruses from animals to humans increased by 5% annually from 1963 through 2019.
- Deaths from these four viruses increased by 9% each year during that period.
- In 2020, the four viruses likely caused about 1,216 deaths combined
- Conclusion: spill-over events "are not an aberration or random cluster, but follow a multi-decade trend in which [such] epidemics have become both larger and more frequent," the authors wrote, adding, "urgent action is needed."
- COVID-19 is now widely monitored in wastewater, as are flu, RSV, Monkeypox
- if pre-existing wastewater surveillance systems are able to screen for potential pandemic pathogens like Ebola, Nipah, and others, giving experts a warning that an outbreak may soon occur
- wastewater programs at major international airports like those stood up during the pandemic could alert public health officials to the arrival of such pathogens from overseas
- CDC announced it will be expanding its respiratory viral surveillance of international travelers.
- In 2022, CDC launched its Traveler-based Genomic Surveillance program (TGS), a public-private partnership to serve as an early-warning detection system at U.S. airports for COVID-19 variants.
- The voluntary program involves taking nasal samples from international travelers coming into the U.S., with select positive samples being sent to the CDC.
- The program is a partnership with Ginkgo Bioworks and XpresCheck.
- CDC will expand these efforts by testing for more than 30 other additional pathogens, including respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and the flu.
- TGS program, which began during the COVID-19 pandemic, acted as an early warning system to detect new and rare variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and will do the same for other respiratory viruses going forward."
- This pilot program will launch at four U.S. airports: Kennedy International Airport, San Francisco Airport, Logan International Airport and Dulles Airport.
- TGS has enrolled more than 360,000 anonymous volunteers, covering flights from 135 countries.
- TGS program is a "global leader in the evolution of biosecurity"
- next pandemic, dubbed the 'Big One,' could be 'simmering in the background,' waiting to unleash the most contagious and deadliest diseases known to humanity.
- paramyxovirus family has over 75 viruses, including mumps, measles and respiratory tract infections
- Nipah virus has fatality rate up to 75% compared to < 1% for COVID
- paramyxoviruses appear not to mutate as they spread, but they have become 'very good at transmission among humans
- Just imagine if a paramyxovirus emerged that was as contagious as measles and as deadly as Nipah - 2011 film Contagion was based on this exact kind of imagined paramyxovirus.
- "Influenza has been sequenced to death" - hat this is not the case for paramyxoviruses because most people infected with one of the more than 75 viruses do not survive
- 'In addition to known viruses, on average, two novel viruses appear in humans each year - Many of these viruses have pandemic potential
- Strengthening Australia's Pandemic Preparedness, a report published in 2022, addresses paramyxoviruses: 'As the world continues to better understand these connections between human, animal, plant and environmental health, viruses are moving from animals to humans at 'alarming rates.
- what happens if there is another outbreak or global pandemic? Are we preparing and how ready are we for the next one?
- Pandemic preparedness: virus surveillance, reducing transmission, vaccines
- distributing vaccines quickly is critical
- "Disease X Strategy" - have a range of platforms ready to choose from that can be rapidly applied when an unknown Disease X arises
- Example: ChAdOx viral-vector platform was ready in 2016 - AstraZeneca vaccine was rapidly developed using ChAdOx platform, putting 3 billion doses into the market.
- During COVID-19, many countries regretted they did not have sovereign vaccine manufacturing capability that would have given them ability to produce product to vaccinate their citizens
- Having sovereign vaccine capability requires a large investment in building and maintaining infrastructure that will be able to manufacture needed vaccines
- In the future, international collaborations and alliances are critical to develop and make vaccines using validated platforms and reproduce the needed vaccine at designated manufacturing sites around the world
- This should ultimately prove to provide faster, more equitable vaccine distribution and deploy a truly global fight against a pandemic from the beginning.
- "another pandemic is on its way"
- Some 1.6 million viruses are estimated to lurk in the world's mammalian and avian wildlife, up to half of which could spill over into humans
- Three main families of viruses, more than most others, keep scientists up at night: flu viruses, coronaviruses, and paramyxoviruses, in descending order of threat
- Influenza: some scientists worry that another major human outbreak may be brewing now, as multiple H5 flu viruses continue to spread from birds to mammals
- Coronaviruses: past two decades have also featured three major and deadly coronavirus outbreaks: the original SARS epidemic that began in late 2002; MERS, which spilled into humans — likely from camels — in 2012; and SARS-CoV-2, the pandemic pathogen that's been plaguing us since the end of 2019.
- Paramyxoviruses, meanwhile, have mostly been "simmering in the background"
- paramyxoviruses haven't yet been caught causing a pandemic "but they seem poised to do so"
- paramyxoviruses can spread through the air, sometimes very rapidly. That's certainly been the case with measles, a paramyxovirus that is "literally the most transmissible human virus on the planet
- paramyxoviruses are found in a wide range of animals
- Nipah virus has, since 1998, spread repeatedly among both pigs and people, carrying fatality rates that can soar upwards of 50 percent.
- "the world may soon encounter a new paramyxovirus that's both highly transmissible and ultra deadly — an "absolutely catastrophic" scenario that could dwarf the death toll of any epidemic in recent memory."
- genetic stability of paramyxoviruses can also make them straightforward to vaccinate against
- "The devil we don't know can be just as frightening," if not more
- A pattern-defying paramyxovirus may already be readying itself to jump.
- WHO highlights Nipah virus as a top-priority pathogen, NIH has it on a list of "essential pathogens to study", Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is funding Nipah antiviral drugs
- several new Nipah vaccines "may soon be ready to debut"
- Paramyxoviruses aren't regularly surveilled for
- researchers still don't know exactly how paramyxoviruses move into new species, or what mutations they would need to become more transmissible among us
- paramyxoviruses like mumps and measles could also become "potential pandemic agents"
- next pandemic has excellent chance of starting with a spillover from animals, in parts of the world where we've invaded wild habitats
- German Health Minister Lauterbach stressed that due to climate change, more pandemics are anticipated, emphasizing that actors such as the United Nations and the World Health Organization (WHO), as well as countries such as the US and Germany, are actively mobilizing resources and funds to prepare
- International agreement must be reached for the world to be better prepared for a new pandemic.
- concern that the world may not react in time to the threat of climate change
- experts are now sounding the alarm around "Disease X," after WHO coined the term. The experts have issued a warning that this potential new pandemic can lead to 20 times more fatalities compared to the coronavirus.
- Disease X can lead to 50 million fatalities
- 1918-19 flu pandemic killed at least 50 million people worldwide, twice as many as were killed in World War I. Today, we could expect a similar death toll from one of the many viruses that already exist
- "the world will have to prepare for mass vaccination drives and deliver the doses in record time."
- Imagine Disease X is as infectious as measles with the fatality rate of Ebola [67%]. Somewhere in the world, it's replicating, and sooner or later, somebody will start feeling sick,
- increase in outbreaks can be attributed to the growing trend of more people gathering in urban areas - continual destruction of millions of acres of natural habitat every year.
- 75% of emerging infectious diseases originate in animals and then leap from species to species until they can, in certain circumstances, infect human beings
I read 11 mainstream media Propaganda articles so you don't have to. I'll cut right through the BS.
Next Pandemic ("Disease X") is coming very soon (my guess, within a few months)
It will be blamed on "Climate Change", causing a jump from animals to humans. The media is conditioning the public to expect something "exotic", hence the stories of "vampire virus", "new viruses discovered", "Disease X" and so on.
Disease X will apparently claim 50 million lives (a 2018 Simulation Exercise run by Johns Hopkins called "Clade X" claimed 150 million lives over 20 months)
Candidates for Disease X:
Nipah is most attractive but it's also too obvious. Why it's attractive:
- has non-specific respiratory symptoms, neurologic symptoms or can be asymptomatic, with symptoms appearing 4-14 days after exposure (perfect for propaganda purposes of "asymptomatic spread" requiring mRNA vaccination - because you don't know who was exposed, so everyone must get vaccinated)
- fruit bat is natural host (can bring in "climate change" argument)
- 45-75% fatality rate
- 2011 Matt Damon movie "Contagion" was based on this exact kind of imagined paramyxovirus.
- Moderna & NIH already have an mRNA Nipah Vaccine mRNA-1215 in Trials since July 2022.
CEPI (formed by WEF and Gates Foundation) has a strategy to get new mRNA vaccines out within 100 days. This is what the next pandemic is all about.
Starting Nov.6, 2023, CDC is expanding respiratory viral surveillance of international travelers with 360,000 "anonymous volunteers" taking nasal samples and testing for 30 pathogens, covering flights from 135 countries. This is probably the most ominous news I've read yet.
Happening at 4 US airports: Kennedy International Airport, San Francisco Airport, Logan International Airport and Dulles Airport.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) could be employed to "predict" evolution of Disease X variants. Could be an interesting way to bring AI into healthcare.
Articles push the idea of a "Globally co-ordinated Pandemic Response" with "designated vaccine manufacturing sites around the world" ensuring "vaccine equity" (everyone gets the poison). This is where the new WHO Pandemic Treaty comes in (I'll cover it in a future article).
"The world may soon encounter a new paramyxovirus that's both highly transmissible and ultra deadly — an "absolutely catastrophic" scenario that could dwarf the death toll of any epidemic in recent memory."
"Imagine Disease X is as infectious as measles with the fatality rate of Ebola [67%]. Somewhere in the world, it's replicating, and sooner or later, somebody will start feeling sick"
"The world will have to prepare for mass vaccination drives and deliver the doses in record time."
This is what they're telegraphing. Do not comply with any future measures, under any circumstances.
Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General's Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.
Comment: Head of Russia's Security Council Nikolay Patrushev also thinks that something is soon coming: