Earlier this month, the Daily Sceptic reported on the work of Dr. Kevin McKernan and his team who had subjected the mRNA vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna to deep sequencing analysis and found alarming levels of DNA contaminants known as plasmids. These are small circular DNA molecules that in principle can self-replicate in bacterial and human cells and induce the cell to produce the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein long term. Each vaccine dose was found to contain billions of these plasmids.
The Moderna vaccine appeared to contain DNA contamination at around the 'safe' level set by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) at the equivalent of one part per 3,000 mRNA molecules, though it's not clear how safe this level really is. The Pfizer vaccine, on the other hand, was found to contain DNA contamination at 10 times the 'safe' level, at one plasmid per 350 mRNA molecules.
The DNA is part of the vaccine manufacturing process, providing the blueprint for the mRNA, but it should have been removed to at least the 'safe' level, though was not for reasons that are unclear.
Now, Dr. McKernan and his team have undertaken further analysis and found that the level of DNA contamination is much greater than originally reported, with up to 35% of the vaccine product being this DNA contamination. They write:
This equates to 20-35% of the nucleic acid in each vaccine being expression vector. This is several orders of magnitude over the the EMAs limit of 330ng/mg. With these levels of contamination, RT activity from LINE-1 is not a prerequisite for genome integration.Molecular biologist Dr. Jessica Rose explains that this means each dose may contain trillions of DNA molecules, 100 times greater than previously reported: "The left-over expression vectors used to manufacture the mRNAs are at contamination levels 100-fold higher than originally proposed and imply trillions of DNA molecules per dose. This has implications for integration into our genome."
The precise level of contamination is unknown as these are estimates with a wide margin of error. It may also vary by batch. What is certain, however, is that the contamination of both Pfizer and Moderna vaccines is way above any official 'safe' level.
In the original analysis, Dr. McKernan had been looking primarily for RNA contamination and had used an additive that can suppress DNA amplification. By looking specifically for DNA contamination he and his team found that the amount of DNA present was far greater than the initial technique had indicated.
Further analysis by Dr. McKernan and his team has also confirmed that the plasmids are intact and capable of self-replicating, and that the relevant promoters are present that allow them to express mRNA for spike protein in human cells (and not just in bacteria).
This indicates that these DNA plasmids are likely to survive for long periods, be taken up by cells inside the body and induce the cells to produce spike protein for an indefinite period of time.
It is thought this could explain the observed persistence of spike protein in the blood of vaccinated persons for weeks or months after injection, which is believed by experts to be a contributor to adverse effects of the COVID-19 vaccines.
Dr. Jessica Rose notes: "It is more than likely that these adverse effects are the direct result of t he contamination illuminated by Kevin and his team."
These findings are obviously highly disturbing. Regulators ought to be making a priority of looking into these issues for themselves and, if confirmed, taking the appropriate action including removing the products from the market.
Reader Comments
The cure for any burn is to bring the patient closer to the fire.
This is acknowledged by every physician who works for me.
I give these 'doctors' my full support. They are very grateful for the money, the cbdc, they receive.
In return, I now own (and control) their souls.
It is a free market.
A fair markket.
A carnival, in fact.
All are welcome.
None will ever leave.
[Link] - from the Mw Doc
Consider bentonite clay - that is the clay that is in the containers in the pharmaceutical deliveries when they want to prevent moisture buildup. Anyhow, it is "fine" in nature, or can be, and is a natural clay, and it is most absorbent. It tends to "pick up" foreign particles, and I think it basically would be harmless but possibly most helpful. I don't know for sure, but it is an idea of remedy.....scoff at it if you choose, I don't care, it is an idea of remedy.
Joseph Moshe (MOSSAD Microbiologist): “Swine flu vaccine is bioweapon” [Link]
A disease without a cure spreads quietly in the West [Link]
Any critical thinker can see a pattern & beta testing.
Links 2 and 3 appear to be the same. I printed a copy. I bookmarked Link 1
If these are contaminants, why would they be expected to generate the spike protein? Is this a coverup for the "long-lasting" mRNA that has chemical insertions that prevent its degradation? In other words, it is a narrative to "prove" that the vax murders were accidents of contamination.
Also, if circular DNA plasmids can self-replicate, is there some other genetic modification being implemented?
"Humans have developed many uses for plasmids and have created software to record the DNA sequences of plasmids for use in many different techniques. Plasmids are used in genetic engineering to amplify, or produce many copies of, certain genes. In molecular cloning, a plasmid is a type of vector. A vector is a DNA sequence that can transport foreign genetic material from one cell to another cell, where the genes can be further expressed and replicated. Plasmids are useful in cloning short segments of DNA. Also, plasmids can be used to replicate proteins, such as the protein that codes for insulin, in large amounts. Additionally, plasmids are being investigated as a way to transfer genes into human cells as part of gene therapy. Cells may lack a specific protein if the patient has a hereditary disorder involving a gene mutation. Inserting a plasmid into DNA would allow cells to express a protein that they are lacking."
This is going to cause problems for decades to come.
Looks like unvaccinated dating is going to catch on, as a necessity, not a fad or fuzziness.
I see a trend.... unjabbed.net have seen it as well.
"If science is not based on observable evidence, then it is only a theory. If an experiment has flaws in it or is based on bad assumptions, then the conclusions cannot be relied upon."
Ive have online penfriends from Russia, Ukraine, Germany and even Africa who are unjabbed like I am, I hope it doesnt get ruined by .gov thanks for posting up
Any person, including children, can be forcibly detained and isolated by the state forany length of time. This can be done without a court order, without legalrepresentation, and without documented medical evidence. [Some may cavil overour interpretation of the length of time involved, but the Emergency Powers are suchthat the state can detain anyone as often as it deems necessary.]The state can forcibly test any person, including children, and remove samples ofbodily fluid for that purpose.It is unclear where the state plans to hold detainees, but it could be hundreds of milesfrom their home and family. There will likely be no visitation rights, no independentsupervision of the care provided, no legal inspection of housing conditions ormedical treatment, and little or no documented proof that one’s continued detentionis medically justified.The state can impose lockdown conditions on the entire population or on suchsegments of the population as it decides. Public gatherings, no matter how small, canbe made illegal and those who violate this rule can be arrested. It will therefore beimpossible for any group – such as a civil rights organization – to protest in the streetagainst this draconian piece of legislation or even to organize indoor meetings todiscuss its implications.The surveillance powers of the state are greatly increased. Whether or not the Actallows the police to enter one’s home without a court warrant is unclear. Some of thepowers granted to the authorities under the Act are so vaguely worded and so generalin nature that householders may not be able to refuse entry without violating someprovision or other of the Act.The Act does not appear to provide for forcible vaccination, but it does greatlyincrease the power of the state to deem a person mentally incapable and to forciblymedicate them. Relatives of detainees may not be aware that this is happening andwould appear to have no right legally to intervene or to request an independentmedical assessment.The state has the power to cremate any person who dies while in detention. It willnot be possible to request an autopsy where foul play or maltreatment are suspected.The doctor who signs the death certificate does not need to have seen the victim atany time, alive or dead.Current provisions in law regarding culpable responsibility and duty of care, as theyapply to health service workers, are greatly relaxed. In effect, anyone treating,supervising or monitoring a person in detention is indemnified under the Act.
So when the gubment creates a self-contradictory act, what is recourse for that?
Well 2 + 2 = revolution I reckon.
I actually look foward to when I can emerge beyond this sadistic theatre production. I try to get right with God and his Son.
I would be scared for children though, these evil idiots are closing in on them.
Can I offer you a Gin and Tonic - did wonders for the British sailors in the old days.
And remember this - baby juice is not for sale and anybody tries to do it is gonna raise the wrath of spirits who are ruthless for good reason....I'm glad I asked them into my home when I beckoned.....they are here now literally. They have reverence and respect for this home just as I do for them.
Reminds me of the "ghost" who isn't always undead.....in contrast to zombies and skeletons......a ghost gets no resolution - it turns into a wraith - most fearsome.