man on computer
Working from home, a sometimes-fad that has become a full-time lifestyle for many since the pandemic lockdowns, is fueling a worrying rise in porn addiction.

The Laurel Centre in London, which treats sex and porn addiction, and is the largest of its kind in Britain, is reporting a record number of patients seeking help for their newfound addiction. Some patients, who identify themselves as working from home, report watching up to 14 hours of porn a day.

Speaking to the Daily Mail, the center's clinical director, Dr. Paula Hall, said that working from home means that more and more people are spending time alone in front of their computers with no human contact.

"It means you've got more opportunity, you don't have to wait until you get home at night, you can be more impulsive during the day," she said.

In the first six months of 2022, the clinic administered 750 porn addicts โ€” a steep rise from the 950 seen in the entirety of 2019. Worse still, the doctor said that patients seeking help this year require more intensive treatment.

To treat the porn addicts, therapists at the clinic spend 600 hours a month helping those with porn addictions, in comparison to just 360 hours per month in 2019.

The clinic's report is backed up by Sex Addicts Anonymous UK, which told the publication that the lockdown and stress from the pandemic had eroded people's mental health and driven them to seek out porn.

"Porn addiction is a shame-based illness. We use compulsive sexual behaviour to escape from and block difficult feelings," said a spokesperson from the organization. "It's easy to see why; sex is powerful and all-consuming and unlike alcohol or narcotics, we don't have to visit the office or see our dealer."

"We face a public health crisis with toxic pornography available at no cost to anyone, which is especially worrying for our young people," the spokesperson added.

According to Britain's Office for National Statistics, the country had an estimated 4.7 million people who worked mainly from home in 2019. That number has steadily risen to over 9.9 million according to the latest statistics from July 2022. The figure is the equivalent to the entire working population of Austria, or any other small European country.

While it's understood that many adults consume porn on a regular basis, porn addiction, according to Dr. Hall, can be defined as regularly spending more than two hours at a time viewing it.

"If you're regularly viewing pornography for longer than two hours it's probably not about sexual arousal. It's probably about escape," she said. "It's a bit like making yourself breakfast and staring at it for two hours, if you're hungry, you're going to eat it, not going to stare at it."

"Addiction is a sign of a life that is unhappy and not being well managed," she concluded.