Steven Swinford, and Christopher Hope
The TelegraphMon, 27 Jul 2015 07:30 UTC
© Gareth Fuller/PA
Every child should be taught about the negative impact and suffering caused by the British Empire, Jeremy Corbyn has suggested.
Mr Corbyn told young Labour supporters that the national curriculum should be re-written to teach children about how the Empire expanded "at the expense of people".
He also suggested that the curriculum should be changed so that every child should be taught about the importance of the trade unions, his biggest backers.
He said: "Perhaps we could do a little bit more about how history is taught in our schools.
"Of course the history of European expansion is important, but there are two other things that need to be added to that. One is the expansion of one empire at the expense of people where that empire is expanding. You need to get the story from the people where that empire is expanding into rather than those that came there to take control of it."It came after Mr Corbyn earlier suggested that that Trotskyists and communists are welcome in the Labour Party as long as they accept its values.
Children should be taught about how people around the World suffered because of the rise of the British Empire, Jeremy Corbyn has suggested.
In a BBC interview on the eve of the party conference in Brighton, he was asked by presenter Andrew Marr: "Thirty years ago almost to the day, just down the coast, Neil Kinnock kicked out the Trotskyists and the Communists from the Labour Party. Are they welcome back in again?"
Mr Corbyn replied: "Anyone is welcome to join the Labour Party providing they support the principles of the party and be content with that.
"And thousands have joined the Labour Party in the last few weeks. Fifty thousand, maybe 60,000 have joined since I was elected two weeks ago, 150,000 have joined since the General Election. This is a growing, enthusiastic, optimistic party."
Comment: It should be no surprise that Jeremy Corbyn has to endure claims of being an anti-Semite when he goes around telling uncomfortable truths like this.
"Children should be taught about suffering under the British Empire."
Sure they should, but in truth, children are never taught anything else about The British Empire.
Children should also be taught that a large proportion of the world would not be able to read were it not for The British Empire, and with their reading skills, allow them seperate the fine from the course in that regard.
Adult socialists who went to posh school should be taught that they don't have to spend their entire lifetime trying to atone for the fact that they went to posh school, which was probably not much better than a torture camp anyway, and that attempts at compensation in that regard are often little better than what could be described as 'displacement activity'.
At the time, I thought it was great that Corbyn was made leader of The Labour Party. I'm happy that he's stuck his tongue out at Israel a couple of times, but up 'til now, that's about it.