mass grave
The bodies of more than 1,200 civilians, mostly women and children, were discovered in mass graves in Raqqa, Syria. The total number of corpses still rotting there is unknown, as relatives continue searching for their loved ones.

The Raqqa Reconstruction Committee has been working for more than six months to deal with and dig up the human cost of the city's 'liberation.' The group says it has discovered some 1,236 bodies since January from just three burial sites, but fears that there are many more elsewhere.

The city was pounded with some 30,000 artillery rounds and thousands of airstrikes launched by the US-led coalition in 2017, which reduced 90 percent of the buildings to rubble. While the US still claims there were what Amnesty called"artificially low civilian casualty figures," the rights group's findings and witnesses prove the US is just "deeply in denial" as to the real number of casualties.

RT's Igor Zdanov has more on Raqqa's wounds of war.