ann coulter
Conservative commentator Ann Coulter had an interesting take on young people when she appeared on Fox News' "Tucker Carlson Tonight" Tuesday.

Coulter told Tucker that leftists are "creating, without realizing it, this really hilarious and ferocious generation of right-wingers."

"Has there ever been a more obedient little cadre of robots than college students?" The Daily Caller co-founder asked.

"Is anyone brave? Is anybody giving the finger to the man and speaking the truth? Where are those people? What happened?"

"Well, the good news is, I'm following a lot of them on Twitter," Coulter replied. "I get the impression that we are creating, I mean, the left is creating without realizing it, this really hilarious and ferocious generation of right-wingers, these college students, they're listening to white privilege all day, every moment of every day, white heterosexual men are emerging from college barking at the moon right-wingers."

"They're fun to follow on Twitter," Coulter added.