Delaware Prop 225 protest
Children as young as 5 years old will be allowed to choose their own race and gender identity without approval from their parents under new legislation proposed in Delaware.

The proposed anti-discrimination policy for Delaware public schools has both parents and state legislators up in arms.

Last summer, Gov. John Carney had instructed DOE to deliver clear identity guidance to school districts and charter schools. His focus was to "prohibit unlawful discrimination in educational programs and activities for students, on the basis of any legally protected characteristic." It was to include: Race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity. It was in response to pressure from transgender students and their parents.

The proposed Delaware gender policy would effectively allow students to change their gender identity in learning institutions at the discretion of educational administrators.

The rule allows students to make their own decision of what "gender" they are for the use of bathrooms and sports facilities that comport with their assumed "gender identity."

Under the proposal, drafted by the state Department of Education, students could also choose their own race.

"Regulation 225 Prohibition of Discrimination" would require schools to provide access to facilities like bathrooms, locker rooms, sex education classes and team sports like wrestling and football, that are consistent with a student's gender identity. This is regardless of the child's sex at birth or age. This is even if their parents object.

"All students enrolled in a Delaware public school may self-identify gender or race," the proposed regulation states.

"Prior to requesting permission from a parent or legal guardian, the school should consult and work closely with the student to access the degree to which, if any, the parent or legal guardian is aware of the Protected Characteristic and is supportive of the student, and the school shall take into consideration the safety, health, and well-being of the student in deciding whether to request permission from the parent or legal guardian," the proposal continues.

Transgender activist Mark Purpura praised the proposed rule. He states that it is made in the "best interest of the child" and helps support kids "living in fear" of their parents. Delaware's Democrat Gov. John Carney supports the measure.

But most citizens and many legislators oppose the rule.

During the public comment period about the measure, more than 11,000 Delaware citizens spoke up in opposition to the rule.

Rep. Ruth Briggs King (R) states that she is concerned how this policy could impact impressionable children approaching adolescence.

"If I'm a man dressed as a woman going to the women's bathroom, that's not an overriding concern for many people," Briggs King explained. "But to think we're going to make a requirement to do certain accommodations at a very young age at a time children are approaching adolescence and trying to learn about themselves is pushing it too far. They may not be ready. There's not been conversations and preparedness for this. To take the parent out of the equation is a disservice to everyone."

Rep. Rich Collins also addressed the lack of parental sovereignty.

"Specifically, they're trying to add the term 'gender identity' and the effect of that would be to allow any student of any age to change their sex," Collins explained. "In other words, go to the school and say 'I look like a boy, but I'm now a girl and I'm going to change my name.' The most perverse part is they don't even have to tell the parents meaning if the school says 'Well, should we talk to your parents?' You say as a student 'No, they might get mad at me' then they're not allowed to even tell the parents."

Fox News reported that the state's proposal drew more than 11,000 public comments. They came in the form of letters, emails and online submissions. The majority opposed the new rule.

Terri Hodges, president of the Delaware PTA and committee member, said the regulation is an example of government overreach.

"I would be livid if the school allowed my daughter to make such a significant decision without me," she said. "I want to protect children, but we can't pick and choose when to engage parents."

Insanity at it's finest. No matter what you believe on race and gender identity:

Allowing small children to decide such things is stupidity at its finest.