Syrian Democratic Forces
© www.voanews.comSyrian Democratic Forces, Syrian Ceasefire 2016
The US-led international coalition air power has delivered 12 more air strikes on ISIS targets in the Syrian city of Manbij. Pro-US sources say that the air strikes targeted the ISIS positions and manpower in the city in next areas: in the vicinity of the automated bakery in southwestern Manbij, near the gas stantion in northern Manbij, urban areas in northeastern Manbij and the city hall.

The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces are consolidating recent gains in the city.

Predominantly Kurdish SDF units seized a significant part of Sheikh Aqeel Cemetry, Post Office north of the city hall and advanced in Sheikh Aqeel Neighborhood. However, the ISIS is still in control of the significant part of the city.

manbij us airstrikes