anti-depressant drugs
© Tom VarcoU.S. prescription medicine costs are some of the highest in the world.
The pharmaceutical industry is one of the most loathed sectors in the United States, sitting alongside big oil and the federal government.

U.S. public opinion of the pharmaceutical industry has collapsed to its lowest level in years, according to research published by Gallup Tuesday. Forty three percent of participants in a survey by Gallup reported negative views of the industry, compared to 35 percent who expressed positive views.

"This leaves the industry with a negative net-positive rating of -8 in 2015," Gallup's Jim Norman stated.

The rating is the lowest for the industry since 2013, after the sector saw a short-lived increase in public approval in 2014.

According to Norman, the latest figures mean the pharmaceutical sector is "now rated one of the worst industries."

"The slide in net-positive ratings for the pharmaceutical industry, from +4 to -8, places it among the lowest-rated industries, which include the legal field (-5), the healthcare industry (-6), the oil and gas industry (-13) and the federal government, which comes in dead last (-29)," Norman stated.

Comparably, the most positively view industries in the United States are computing, restaurants and accounting.

According to Gallup, the pharmaceutical industry has long been viewed generally negatively in the United States.

"As far back as 1991, 73 percent of Americans said they considered the high cost of prescription drugs an important reason for rising healthcare costs," Norman added.

U.S. prescription medicine costs are some of the highest in the world. U.S. consumers spend more on medication than any other country in the OECD, with prescription medicines sometimes costing as much as double in the United States compared to countries like the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Australia.