You can imagine my surprise when I received this boarding pass yesterday...

That's right - the guy who sues, publicly humiliates, and fights before Congress the TSA now has TSA PreCheck, meaning that I'll personally almost never encounter a body scanner or pat-down again.

I never asked for it, never opted-in, and had no notice that I was included. I intentionally avoided it because I don't think it's fair that one should have to do anything to avoid being abused by their government. Their inclusion of me in this program is further ironic since in 2010, when I filed a motion for a preliminary injunction that would require the TSA not to scan or molest me, the TSA argued that such an "ad hoc" exclusion would devistate the TSA's inpenetrable fortress. But here we are in 2014, and the TSA has done just that.

How and Why

There are many ways that people can get PreCheck status, according to the TSA, the most common being allowed to opt-in as a result of frequent flyer status. I do have that status, but I've never opted in, so I assume this not to be the reason.

More likely is the TSA's new "risk assessment" program, where the TSA somehow decides, based on information like your name, address, and travel history, that you must not be a terrorist. Perhaps this is how I've made it through.

Or perhaps the TSA simply thinks that if it keeps me away from the body scanners, I'll shut up. Nope - what the TSA is doing is wrong, and it's wrong whether they decide to give me special treatment or not. "The beatings will continue until morale improves."