Stuart Gillespie was investigating a strange noise coming from the vent when the baby reptile dropped through the roof onto the bathroom floor

© Kilmarnock Standard The snake found in the bathroom
A New Farm Loch man had a frightening start to the new year when a snake fell through his bathroom vent.

Stuart Gillespie was investigating a strange noise coming from the vent when the baby reptile - named Lou by the SSPCA - dropped through, falling six feet onto the bathroom floor.

Stuart's partner Jan Bryan said: "I was at the front door saying bye to my daughter on January 2, when I heard Stuart shouting that there was a snake in the bathroom.

"I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Stuart was chalk white.

"I refused to go upstairs until it had been removed, but my daughter's partner managed to get a couple of pictures.

"It's not what we were expecting at new year, but it will be one we'll never forget."

The family, of Grant Place, were advised by the SSPCA to check with neighbours to see if anyone was missing a pet snake.

But Jan said: "I went up and down the street and told my neighbours about it, but no-one has claimed it.

"It was just short of a couple of feet long and was rearing up on its back and hissing.

"Mind you it had just fell six feet onto a bathroom floor, he had every right not to be happy! Apparently he calmed down the next day."

The SSPCA - Scotland's animal welfare charity - sent out an animal rescue officer to retrieve the 20-inch juvenile corn snake and it is now being cared for at the charity's Glasgow re-homing centre.

Animal Rescue Officer Tricia Smith said: "I think it's safe to say the man who found Lou got quite a fright.

"He was in the bathroom when he heard a strange noise coming from inside the vent.

"When he went to investigate, Lou came out of the vent and wrapped himself around the toilet roll holder, where he stayed until I arrived.

"Lou is around a year old and he's a feisty wee snake. He was flicking his tail as I tried to contain him but he's calmed down now.

"It's likely Lou has strayed from home, but unfortunately no neighbours recognised him or knew who he might belong to.

"Hopefully someone will come forward following our appeal but if we're not able to reunite Lou with his owner we'll find him a new home."

Anyone who recognises Lou is being asked to call the Scottish SPCA Animal Helpline on 03000 999 999.

Corn snakes are popular pets, and in the wild are native to the Americas. Like most reptiles, they are normally housed in an enclosed cage with glass doors, known as a vivarium.

They are easy to handle and following regular handling will become fairly tame.