© CudahyNow
In my pursuit for transparency on what I call a " Giant Cover Up" Pun intended, I have collected almost 600 old newspaper clippings from city and state publications prior to 1945 with Giant skeleton finds.Including an 18 Ft Tall Giant Human skeleton found in Texas. Above is one during WWII era that is just fascinating.

My battle with Snopes. I have emailed Snopes asking them to put out an update and correction that giant skeletons do exist. As an organization that strives for the truth you would think they would want to update misleading information.

I also want to point out for those who live and die by Snopes. They posted this great article about how Giant skeletons are not real. Snopes in my opinion is basically government funded. I PERSONALLY and publically debunked their statement that Giant Human skeletons do not exist. I am not saying they have no credibility. Only when it comes to government conspiracies. Why you ask?

Snopes receives funding from an undisclosed source. So no one knows who is supporting them. The source is undisclosed only because Snopes refuses to disclose that source.

The Democratic Alliance, a funding channel for uber-Leftist (Marxist) Billionaires (George Soros etc.), direct funds to an "Internet Propaganda Arm" pushing these views. The Democratic Alliance has been reported to instruct Fundees to not disclose their funding source. So I will assume the worst in these scenerio's. Transparency is everything.