Today rumors about the imminent end of the world, which have recently appeared more frequently and spread around the world much faster, are demonstrating their power to influence minds.
Thousands of residents of Rome gathered everything of value and fled the city, scared by the prophecy of a terrible earthquake. 100 years ago, an Italian self-taught astronomer allegedly announced that on May 11th, 2011 the "eternal city" would be wiped from the face of the Earth.
The source of global hysteria became Comet Elenin, currently flying towards Earth, and the first to be discovered by a Russian astronomer in 20 years. There's a massive discussion about it on the Internet, that alien spaceships are hiding behind it and are approaching the Earth. The governments supposedly know about this, but hide the information from the public. According to another version, the planet faces a collision with the comet.
NTV correspondent Sergei Malozemoff was able to confirm that the rumors are so widespread, the scientific community decided to issue its own response.
The panic on the Internet began with a genuine snapshot, published by one of the Argentine astronomers, and few people bothered to pay attention to the date - April 1st. In the center - a comet with a symbol C 2010 X1 Elenin, and on each side, wrote the scientist, - something that looks very much like two alien spacecraft. They are on their way! - the Internet exploded and started to await the end of the world.
Roman Chelyuskin, chief editor of the blog service said: "This issue continues to gain momentum. For instance, during the first week of May, the number of posts about comet Elenin was 30 times higher than the number of posts that were made in April.
The name of the comet discoverer - Russia's Leonid Elenin - was immediately transcribed as "a catastrophe of total annihilation", and also "aliens from the planet Nibiru in November." Some even recalled that Leo is also the name of the protagonist from the catastrophe movie about a comet, Deep Impact. Basically, all these 'signs' were pointed out to suggest that Elenin the person doesn't actually exist. Even though Platon Elenin is the second name of [Russian billionaire] Boris Berezovsky. And world governments are apparently hiding the horror that awaits us.
A simple search on the open scientific sources led NTV Group to the Institute of Applied Mathematics (named after M. B. Keldysh), the workplace of the very same Leonid Elenin. NTV correspondent called him and was convinced that he is indeed real.
After a strong handshake and no signs of deceit, we discovered that Leonid Elenin is 29 years old, he studied at the Moscow Aviation Institute, then worked as a property agent, and after the crisis has returned to his beloved science. To everyone who doesn't believe him, he shows his institute's pass. He complains: someone already registered under his name on Facebook, and promotes a cult that offers the only salvation.
Leonid Elenin, researcher in the Institute of Applied Mathematics says: "I receive letters that ask me to present a passport."
Interviewer: "Where the letters are coming from?"
Leonid Elenin: "Well, most of them come from the U.S.. Right now, during the last week, I was 'buried' by letters from Russia. From U.S. also came: 'We don't believe you. Show your passport.' To which I replied: Why do I have to show you anything?"
It happened in December. Leonid was watching the sky on a remote connection using telescope of American colleagues in New Mexico, and - score! - he noticed an unrecorded object. This was a new comet with a diameter of about three kilometers. According to international rules, the comet was immediately assigned his name. And notorious alien ships in the picture, alas, have a much more prosaic explanation.
Leonid Elenin: "These are actually stars. What happens is, that during a certain process of adding several frames in relation to the velocity of the comet, these stars stretch into tracks. In principle, any astronomer should know this."

Leonid Elenin: "Yes, of course. And the discovery of a comet was my dream, a childhood dream. And it was accomplished. Of course, I was happy and so on. But now, all this is happening around my comet. There are, for example, the following letters: 'Leonid, tell us the truth. I am selling my house. And my family and I are heading for the mountains.' It's nothing but hysteria. More so, the comet is absolutely safe for the Earth. It will pass at a distance of 34 million kilometers from the planet."
According to Elenin's calculations, X-1 will pass the Earth in October. It will be seen with binoculars or even with the naked eye. Then the comet will touch the orbit of Mercury, and if it does not dissipate, it will rush away from the solar system. And we will not see it again for another 12 thousand years.
Supporters of doomsday, as the astronomer assured us, will have to invent a new theory.
what is Elenin? not really sure. Is Leonid Elenin for real? looks like it, unless the interview is bogus. will Elenin cause any bad effects? not sure. has Elenin caused bad alignment effects already (3-11 EQ) ? not sure.
is there something strange going on with all the Elenin rumors? looks like it?
at any rate, people should be prepared - as in extra supplies in case of a supply chain breakdown. the most basic of this is to buy a few months of bathroom and health maintenence item supplies (vitamins, razors, iodine, aspirin, etc) , and a few gallons of peanut butter per person.
perhaps the greatest danger of Elenin, Levy, Honda, and other comets are the potential for a false know, those Gulf of Tonkin, Operation Northwoods, Lusitania, and , uh, other ones.
simple example: October 2011 - govt warning of incoming comet fragments in 2 days, damage likely !! or 100meter previously unseen asteroid impact imminent !! panic as flooding in midwest has interrupted the normal (secret) silos for the anti-rock defense.
other missiles launched. suddenly a nuke explosion goes off over north america, 300 miles high. all communications wiped out. which nuke? no info. new world of complete control.
simpler example: October 2011 - reports of small comet fragments hitting, little damage. November 2011 - strange disease outbreak like Spanish Flu, but worse. millions sick and die . quarantine. supply chain shutdown, economic collapse. comet disease or man made? who knows?