It is also possible this meteor was an SDA or alpha Cap or may trace back generally to that radiant region. Not sure about that though due to cloud.
I do not know what the magnitude of the meteor was but the Moon is fully evident in the frame. If anyone has magnitude estimates I would appreciate hearing from you. Thank you.
Anonymous said...
I was driving from San Angelo, TX towards NM somewhere between 530-6AM Central Time when I saw a massive flash streak in front of me. It was mostly Green and a bit of yellow in color and was very bright. It looked like it hit off into the distance in front of me. Do you have any info for me? It really caught my attention especially since I was on my way to Roswell...go figure...
Loni C said...
I'm in Portales New Mexico and saw it too. I thought I was going crazy because it was so bright, huge, and unusually long lasting so I'm glad to see I was not losing my mind! Though it looked blue and yellow to me it was a huge streak. I felt blessed to see such an incredible sight.
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