When men yield up the privilege of thinking, the last shadow of Liberty quits the horizon.
Tangential. Here is China's CHIEF project as seen by remote viewers. [Link] Here is a Brave AI search: "The CHIEF project in China refers to the...
It’s Scotlands assets, Here's a link.[Link] Any links to that story. And good old benevolent Blackrock.
Something related to Trump, and (if true) another surprising and unexpected move :[Link] Unconditionally pardoning Snowden ...
On the topic of things falling from the skies... 'Indigo Skyfold: Some Chemtrails Are Allegedly Part of a Strategic Defense Initiative Missile...
That headline should read : "US democrat deep state redirects weapons to Mexico, to battle the Trump deep state at home" There are no...
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... as an American visiting London, to observe pubs packed at lunch time with business people pounding down alcoholic beverages. I'm told that the U.S. is rather puritanical (where this behavior is sort of taboo, even more now than decades ago) in not being a drinking society on par with most other industrialized countries, which includes the richest Asian nations, as well.
In old American movies (60s and earlier), one can often see executives' offices with fully stocked bars, and business people drinking in bars at lunch, but I don't think I've ever actually witnessed this in my life. Clearly some kind of shift has taken place and I wonder what is behind it.