Scott Fraser has seen a few strange things in the night sky.

But he never had a camera with him.

That is until Sunday night at sunset, when four white oblong shapes burst like rockets over the western horizon, rose vertically some distance before whizzing south at high speed.

©Scott Fraser

"I really honestly don't know what they were," said Fraser, who was standing on the Westmount Hill in Orillia near Tim Hortons photographing the burnt orange sunset when one of his friends spotted the first of the vaporous white shapes, followed by a second.

A pilot and flight instructor at the Lake Simcoe Regional Airport who saw Fraser's pictures thought they might me the contrails of military jets.

"Sometimes you see the vapour trail, but not the plane," said Don Sturdy. "But that's just a guess."

Sturdy said he's never seen clouds or vapour trails shaped exactly like the ones in Fraser's photos.

"It's interesting," he said.

Fraser thinks the manouevres the flying objects made were too quick and sharp for conventional aircraft.

"Planes can't turn 90 degrees," he said.

There are things in the universe beyond our knowledge, says Fraser, who once watched a glowing red object dart about over Lake Simcoe before accelerating out of sight.

"It keeps us wondering," he said.

Fraser has posted about eight photos on Face Book and friends are intrigued, but nobody has an answer.

He plans to make a short video for the website by running all the pictures in sequence to show how the objects crossed the sky.