Comment: In other words, if people realize the vaccines are killing babies, they might not take the vaccines.
One particular Scotsman, who tweets here and has this substack, has persevered with FOI requests and has revealed alarming signals that Public Health Scotland chose to ignore. There was a clear rise in neonatal deaths amounting to an extra 35 dead babies which coincided exactly with when pregnant women were vaccinated.

There have also been too many post-neonatal deaths (deaths in first year of life) and those have not yet settled down. Over that period (Jul 2021 on) there were 94,501 births. Based on historic rates 101 deaths post natal deaths would be expected, but the 131 were recorded, an excess of 30 babies dying.
Including both neonatal and postnatal deaths there have been 65 additional deaths. Over the period of interest there were 45,098 doses of covid vaccine given. If the extra deaths were all due to the covid vaccines that would equate to a risk of 1 extra death for every 690 doses administered.
Despite numerous FOI requests and involvement of the Information Commissioner's Office, data on the vaccine status of the mothers of these dead babies has not been forthcoming.
It is possible to cross check this data with data from other sources. National Records of Scotland publishes deaths by registration date. This can be subject to delays but it at least allows a ball park check. The NRS data shows the number of deaths at age 0. Combining that with birth data gives a baseline level of baby deaths which can be compared to the level of deaths in the post vaccine period. The number of birth registrations were impacted by lockdown so that period has been excluded from the analysis. Pre-vaccination the mortality was 0.324% and after vaccines it was 0.376% which amounts to an extra 28 deaths a year or a baby dying every fortnight (see figure 2). The NRS aged standardised mortality rate data for deaths at age 0 shows a rise from 316 per 100,000 to 376. For Scotland's ~50,000 births a year that works out at 30 extra deaths per year - again in line with the FOI data (see figure 3).

In England the data is less transparent. It is, however, possible to compare death registrations in those aged 0 with birth data from here and here. The mortality rate per birth in the first year of life has risen by 27% by this measure.
Many of the people whose deaths were attributed to covid had a lower life expectancy than their peers of the same age. However, if we generously assume they had an average life expectancy then for Scotland there were 13,040 years of life lost to covid. The deaths of these 65 babies amounts to more than 5,200 years of life lost and the harm is ongoing.
Jabberwocky the gift that keeps on giving. No jabs for my family, but docs say last August 2022 I caught covid and the spike protein likely caused a blood clot in my leg that went into my heart & lungs. Major shortness of breath. I have closely followed by Lung Specialist and just had 3 major lung tests done, and 18 vials of blood given 1 day ago. On Nov 30 I see the specialist and see whats up. Been on blood thinners for a year now....No more skiing/hiking or back country hunting...ugh !!