What is it? Nouveau racism is racism. However, it is that racism which is embraced by "minority" groups, like African-Americans, Latin-Americans, feminists, and any group that is not the target group of their invective: the European-originated, white, Christian male.
Tucker Carlson gives a solid introduction to this topic in his own words in his reflection about one of America's leaders in the crusade of identity politics, Stacey Y. Abrams.
Nouveau racism is often considered as "righteous retribution" by liberals who practice it. The logic is simple: After all that the European white MEN perpetrated upon native American nations, and upon the African peoples who were forcibly seized and brought to the New World as slave labor, women, blacks and native Americans now ought to give the white men a good taste of their own medicine. Let them see how it feels to be treated like we were, the narrative says.
The only thing is that the descendants of those European white men have largely long since renounced racism. The passage of the Civil Rights Law in 1964 marked the turning point that really had already been reached. The Act merely formalized what for many was already a present reality. After that, racism was loudly and strongly denounced in public service advertisements in the 1970's like this one:
In an even-handed way, many young people in the 1970's learned that prejudice was wrong, and that the attitudes of the past, judging people by their religion or color was simply... wrong. The lesson was learned deeply, to the point where white Americans were uniformly horrified by slavery or racism. This was amplified by many movies and TV programs in the 1970's and 1980's that viscerally showed their viewers what it was like to live a life of prejudice, but it also increased the desire to never be that way.
Consequently, to most white people in America, one never refers to a black person as "black" or discusses it. The white person usually defers to anyone of color and will not discuss their skin color to prevent any chance of repeating the past by making a prejudiced judgement.
It would seem fair to presume that with the exceptions of very tiny fringe groups, racism among European-bred white-skinned Americans is gone. Even the trope against Mexicans and "brown-skinned" people is one that most white Americans will not express. While there is often frustration expressed over Latin American immigrants not learning English, there is little to no connection between their skin color and a prejudged notion.
Racism among white people is a thing of the past. So, what do we see now?
According to the news media in the US, the assertion above is completely wrong, and in fact, white people are motivated by hate and the desire to continue to oppress and humiliate non-whites, especially the black man, Latin Americans and Native Americans. Further, there is a bevy of research that points at continuing attitudes being "hateful" and worse, that such people are worthy of nothing good - that they should be humiliated, brought low and stripped of their "white privilege."
In fact, for the mainstream media, racism has never been so rampant in America.
The only problem is that this is simply not true.
If anything, white people are very afraid of being perceived as racist, and this has opened the door for what is going on now.
This effort in the liberal press is their assent and promotion of nouveau racism, but like many such fearsome or incendiary topics, this one is not addressing a real problem at all. It is, instead, creating and fomenting a real problem in the country by agitating groups that are already touched by this sort of attitude, to become more extreme.
Nouveau racism seems to serve the purpose of maligning President Trump and Republicans overall, and though President Trump easily swats such nonsense attacks away by his actions, his party's politicians in Congress often stumble when so accused.
One of the powers of this great weapon is to get a person so accused of racism to do two things: To assent to the horrors of racism and how those "maligned" by it have long suffered, and to go on the defense as though they had to apologize for being racist themselves.
Of course, in most cases, there was no racism in the first place. But once someone apologizes for it, this has the effect of making them look like the allegation is true, and from that point a person's reputation may be destroyed because of the accused person's lack of honesty.
This form of attack is not limited to racism, of course. Feminists perfected the technique and successfully used it against many people until they tried it on Donald Trump, and again on Judge Brett Kavanaugh. The forceful swatting away of the allegations by (now) Justice Kavanaugh and the simple admission of "I said it, I am wrong, and I am sorry" by Candidate Trump after the Access Hollywood recording attack gave the feminists nowhere to go.
The same tactic needs to be employed about racism in any form. As Tucker Carlson rightly noted, identity politics divides people into groups who are afraid of one another. Being kind and polite is a great thing. But being cowed into letting a possible accuser have their way all the time lest you be called racist is tyranny. It is not righteous retribution in any form whatsoever.
Fox Host David Webb said it very simply: "our skin is an organ. It doesn't think. It doesn't formulate ideas."
He is right. Also, nouveau racism is part of the victim culture. Applied to people who embrace it, they only ensure their own enslavement. As we noted in the article about David Webb, Areva Martin, a racist CNN reporter who accused Mr. Webb of white male privilege, made the assertion that white men talk about following the law because they are white and they can follow the law. But look where this assertion leads.
- White men talk about following the law because they are white and they can do this.
- They therefore do not understand black men and women, because black men and women are special cases (for Areva Martin, the CNN reporter, this was her argument)
- Their special nature means that the arguments of following the law do not - and must not - apply to them
- Apparently this means that black people are incapable of following laws
- It means that they are incapable of taking personal responsibility for themselves
- If this is so, then it also follows that someone must run their lives, which leads us to upholding...
Nouveau racism is a lose-lose option. It can only lead to bitter division, senseless hatred, insanity and the disintegration of any society in which it exists.
Dr Martin Luther King said his dream was that a man be judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
It appears that this good man's observation is all-too-often, sadly ignored.
This is another textbook case of the ever-effective tactic of divide and conquer.