theresa may
© Leon Neal
Politicians the world over are known for their verbal gymnastics and rhetorical agility when facing down tough questions from reporters or members of the public. British PM Theresa May, however, failed spectacularly in this regard on Sunday.

In an appearance on the Andrew Marr Show, the host pressed May about the increasing number of British nurses relying on food stamps to survive.

"Lots of ordinary nurses, by the end of the week, are having to use food banks because they can't afford to pay for food," Marr told the PM in an interview on Sunday morning. "That is not the sort of country you want to run, is it?" he asked.

"I want a country that works for everyone, not the privileged few," May responded, in standard political form.

Comment: Actions speak louder than words.

Marr was not so easily rebuffed, however: "We have nurses going to food banks, that must be wrong?"

In her response, the PM believed the issue was more nuanced than Marr was making it out to be: "There are many complex reasons why people go to food banks, and I want to develop an economy where, yes, we have a strong economy so we can pay for the public services that people need. But also we have an economy where we're creating secure jobs, and higher paid jobs for people."

Comment: What could possibly be complex about it? Does the PM think people go there to socialize? Or to get tastier meals? The reality that she is refusing to acknowledge and take responsibility for is that people use food banks because they cannot afford to eat.

Marr once again prodded the prime minister for an answer: "The problem is they haven't got enough money to eat at the moment."

However May stuck to her guns saying: "You're only going to be able to do this if you have a government which understands the importance of that strength in the economy. If you look at the proposals the Labour party is coming forward with, they're nonsensical, simply don't add up, and would actually lead to less money being available for the NHS, less money for public sector pay, and higher taxes."

Comment: Well the Tories clearly understand how to rig the economy so it serves the interests of the elites, making the rich richer and the poor poorer. The PM swiftly diverts the question and uses it as an opportunity to take a jab at the opposition and scare voters away from Corbyn.

Predictably May's comments sparked a backlash on social media not least from Labour politicians.