Reports are coming in of what appears to be a ballistic missile strike which hit the city center of Donetsk. Until now, only the western and northern suburbs of Donetsk had been affected by a massive barrage of artillery strikes (thousands of shells) fired by the Ukronazi forces. Multiple rocket launchers were also used. This time, however, the type of missile used as a tactical ballistic missile of the Tochka-U type shown here:
Tochka-U missle platform Ukraine
You can get all the technical details about this system right here, but all you need to know is that it's range is over 70 miles and that it deliver a 500kg warhead. That's right, 500kg of high-explosives with fragmentation filling. In a city center. Here is what the scene was after the strike: (no translation needed)

Other sources say that it was not a Tochka-U ballistic missile but a strike by a Uragan multiple-rocket launcher similar to this one:
Uragan multiple-rocket launcher
In light of that kind of barbaric outrage committed in the middle of Europe, the United States could not remain silent and...

... immediately condemned Russia!