Here's a petition you can support: Do it for the children, for the future.
WHEREAS, Secretary of State John F. Kerry has suggested that air conditioners are as big a threat as ISIS, andHopalong Ginsberg started this petition, and 2,500 people have spoken up already. To sign the petition go to
WHEREAS, it is the duty of our elected and appointed government officials to lead by example,
THEREFORE, we call upon the U.S. Department of State to remove air conditioning from all property that the Department owns, rents, or otherwise employs, including but not limited to embassies, consulates, office buildings, etc., all vehicles owned and/or operated by the Department, and any other property, real or movable, owned, rented, or otherwise employed by the Department.
This could help in so many ways.
In the sterile environment of a modern hospital operating theatre, with surgeons dressed from top to toe in space like uniform, the last thing the patient sees as they look up before falling unconscious, is the filthy air conditioning unit blasting out pathogens above their head.