EU military forces
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Well, that didn't take long.

The graphite was hardly dry on the Brexit ballots when TVP Info, a Polish broadcaster, leaked a 9-page document drawn up by the German and French foreign ministers calling for an EU superstate, complete with an EU army, integrated border controls and common taxation. The German foreign minister discussed the plans โ€” which are being described as "an ultimatum" โ€” with his counterparts in the Visegrad Group of countries (Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia) this week.

The document, bearing the Orwellian title of "A strong Europe in a world of uncertainties," lays out the exact tyrannical plans that the EU's critics have been warning about for years. After identifying key areas of uncertainty and concern affecting Europe โ€” from spreading [false flag] terrorism to [manipulated] cultural tensions to [engineered] economic hardships โ€” the document proposes three new areas for expanded EU cooperation:

EU super state doc
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Click here for the full document
  1. A European Security Compact, including an expansion of internal "security" through a strengthened Europol, and expansion of external "security" in areas like North Africa and the Middle East through coordination with the African Union, G5 and other globalist counterparts.
  2. A Common European asylum and migration policy, including the expansion of FRONTEX with permanent, dedicated EU-supplied staff, and the creation of a European Asylum Agency tasked with standardizing the registration of asylum seekers and hosting joint EU-controlled databases.
  3. A Completed Economic and Monetary Union, including "convergence between member states" in strategic sectors of the economy, the development of a European Monetary Fund presided over by EU parliament, and continued moves toward "common taxation."
Even more stunningly, the paper actually proposes a standing EU-directed military chain of command, up to and including standing European armed forces:
"The EU will need to take action more often in order to manage crises that directly affect its own security. We therefore need stronger and more flexible crisis prevention and crisis management capabilities. The EU should be able to plan and conduct civil and military operations more effectively, with the support of a permanent civil-military chain of command. The EU should be able to rely on employable high-readiness forces and provide common financing for its operations. Within the framework of the EU, member states willing to establish permanent structured cooperation in the field of defence or to push ahead to launch operations should be able to do so in a flexible manner. If needed, EU member states should consider establishing standing maritime forces or acquiring EU-owned capabilities in other key areas."
Of course absolutely none of this will come as news to my long-time readers. I laid out in these very pages how last December's proposal for a European Border and Coast Guard was the first step to the EU superstate. And I also told you how last November's Paris false flag paved the way for EU President Juncker to call for an EU standing army. And I've been warning over and over for years now that the crisis in the Eurozone was going to be used as a way for the banksters to fail forward by claiming that the ECB needs even more powers to wreck Europe's economy. So none of these proposals are that shocking individually.

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What is shocking is to see them stacked together like this in a single document penned by Jean-Marc Ayrault and Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the foreign ministers of France and Germany. It is also shocking that they would be presented as a type of ultimatum to the Visegrad Group, especially since "the EU" (which even the New York Times can now admit means Berlin, not Brussels) has chided these countries quite openly in recent months. Germany and its sidekick France (politely referred to as "the EU") cannot expect that this attempt at strong-arming will go down well with countries that have openly bucked and brayed at the EU yoke thus far. Which can only mean that they don't expect it to.

You see, the 3D chess players of the New World Order are smashing the chessboard right now. This is the only way for them to achieve their goals in the long run. But in order to do this, they have to let their mask slip. The EU is acting like the would-be empire that it is.

This leads us to one of only two conclusions:

-The globalists are dumb enough to believe that they can consolidate their power now and achieve the EU superstate.

-They are deliberately setting the EU up for the inevitable populist backlash and chaos.