In an interview with Trend news agency on Tuesday, Mohsen Pak-Ayeen said this so-called coalition is supposed to be fighting a phenomenon, which has been created as well as financially and militarily supported by the United States.
He added that the world public opinion will not forget the number of occasions when the US Congress endorsed financial support for ISIL militants and other Takfiri groups.
President Barack Obama, under pressure from some lawmakers to provide more help to foreign-backed militants operating inside Syria, asked the US Congress in late June to approve $500 million to train and equip the militants.
Pak-Ayeen emphasized that the United States is not sincere in its fight against terrorism, adding, "We (in Iran) are really opposed to terrorism, and it is normal for us not to take part in such shows. Iran had also declared its opposition to join such coalition in advance."On September 12, US President Barack Obama said the United States is assembling an international coalition to "snuff out" the ISIL terrorist group, adding that such extremist groups have "no place in the 21st century."
Comment: Same can be said about U.S.
The ISIL terrorists control large parts of Syria's east and north. ISIL also sent its Takfiri militants into Iraq in June, seizing large swathes of land straddling the border between Syria and Iraq.
The Takfiri terrorist groups have committed heinous crimes and threatened all communities, including Shias, Sunnis, Kurds, Christians and Izadi Kurds, during their advances in Iraq.
Comment: The so-called coalition is a PR campaign. US and their allies created ISIS and are now pretending to be fighting it.
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