© UnknownJohn McCain with Neo-Nazi Svoboda Party leader Oleh Tyahnibok, Kiev, December 15, 2013
(The guy seen with John McCain is a pure bred Operation Gladio supporter. Thailand, Ukraine, Turkey, Egypt... it's Gladio B and this guy is a perfect example of the kinds of democracies our country backs across the world. )
"In the majority of his motions he opposed the introduction of the Russian language as the second official state language, proposed recognition of the fighting role of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists and Ukrainian Insurgent Army during World War II, called for the lustration of former communist officials, security service officers and undercover agents, and demanded the prohibition of communist ideology."
When left-wing groups tried to join the protests they were attacked and beaten by fascists. Svoboda are leading ideologically now. Fascism is like a fashion now, with more and more people getting involved." . Sergey Kirichuk
Ten pictures that show Ukraine's protests are filled with toxic Neo-Nazi groupsWhen US Senator John McCain dined with Ukraine's opposition leaders in December (top), he shared a table and later a stage with the leader of the extreme far-right Svoboda party Oleh Tyahnybok.
This is Oleh Tyahnybok, he has claimed a "Moscow-Jewish mafia" rule Ukraine and that "Germans, Kikes and other scum" want to "take away our Ukrainian state."
This is the party's logo (left), it can be seen on flag throughout the crowds in Kiev every day. Svoboda is Ukraine's fourth biggest party holding 36 seats out of 450 in parliament. They're also part of the Alliance of European National Movements along with the BNP and Jobbik.
This is their old logo, a Wolfsangel rune (right), a common symbol for European neo-Nazi organizations. It was also the symbol of the Patriots of Ukraine, a paramilitary organisation Svoboda went hand in hand with until 2004.
A typical crowd shot of Kiev's protests, Svoboda and their fellow travellers have been present throughout the protests.
Here we see a battalion of Patriots of Ukraine paramilitaries tooled up in the midst of the protests.
Pro-EU protesters took over the town hall, we learned from international news reports in December, demanding the government resign. While it is a broad movement, mainly of the right, it's hard to see a BNP or Golden Dawn led takeover of a town hall getting quite the same publicity.
Here a white power flag takes pride of place centre stage, black circle with a plus sign through it. You can always check the top of
http://stormfront.org/ if you don't buy it.
Here protesters clash with riot police, one carries a homemade shield painted with a white power symbol and the numbers 14 and 88. These numbers are common neo-Nazi slogans;with 14 standing for David Lane's slogan (We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children) and 88 as code for HH, or Heil Hitler.
Patriots burn flags, while white power flags are flown throughout the crowd. In almost every action shot from these protests far-right symbols are clearly visible. National socialist group Wotan Jugend has described the experience they are gaining from the protests; "Leaderless resistance What is happening now in Kiev - is a lesson, a lesson to all those who so eagerly watching national revolution taking place in Ukraine, blowing drool with envy at the keyboard."
Source: Brian Whelan
Reality is that in Ukraine Neo-Nazi is Russian-speaking Oligarchy with Russian-speaking criminals and they kills not only Ukrainian-speaking citizens...
Totally unprofessional article of AKA Willy Loman for manipulating purpose.
First: "Svoboda" with its political programm belongs to national centrists - they have no radical ideological view and all facts about "fashist ideology" and methods are based on three or five facts related, e.g. to Oleh Tyagnybok's speeches about jewish and russian kommi who kills ukrainians during Second World War. By the way, he has won court after these charges in national intolerance.
Other party member Igor Myroshnychenko named American pornoactress Mila Kunis Jewish girl in his Facebook, instead of the Ukrainian.
There is an opinion that Russian language has a high heavenly origin, therefore it should have advantages before other languages in Ukraine. But it is usual consequences of russification and propagfnda of Russian chauvinists.
Apparently, it is all scandalous facts...
There are others "facts", but more likely they belong to sphere of assumptions: promoscow ruling party of Regions and Russia finances everything that concerns pseudo-national methods in "Svoboda". But meanwhile nobody can confirm it. So, any traces of support of CIA or USA do not exist too, because they are "democrats":)
"Svoboda" has received more than 5 % in last elections, almost each party member has received 80 and more percent...
But as parliamentarism in Ukraine has died because of Yanukovych's regime, "Svoboda" has supported protesting people in latest events. More precisely, according to objective polls people in Kyїv, support of ALL leaders of opposition reaches only 5 %! 5%! Under "ALL" I mean a la Peron party "Batkivshchyna" (headed by cocaine psychopath Tymoshenko) and similar "Udar" with its head boxer Klitschko which is is financed, "of course", by Jewish business in Ukraine as "Batkivshchyna" too.
"Svoboda" looks for help from John McCain? Hm, Ukrainian insurgents searched for Hitler's supports too in the thirties-fortieth. But have not found. It's this case too. "Democratic" Europe was frightened of national anger now and does not help Ukrainians too. Though modern Europe is rather trotskyism association or bank plot:)
Second: Bloody collisions as now it is known, were organised by the Russian side, the Russian special services. All noticed activists has nothing to do with "Svoboda".
However, there is a right idependent wing of antidictatorial movement where members of "Svoboda" can join. This wing has big support as its requirements differ from requirements of official impotentia oppositio, including Tyagnybok...
So, to put it briefly, I will not be surprised, if Scott Creighton has more such conspiracy material and even John Kennedy's photos with specifically lifted hand.
"...(Atriedes) I do have one question. Maybe it's not a good question. Recently and for the last few years, there has been an increasing amount of public rhetoric from various different speakers from various different quarters about the disparity between lower classes and upper classes, between wealthy and non-wealthy people. More and more they've started to use a kind of Marxist language talking about class differences. It seems to me that this might be a repeat of what happened in the original communist revolutions. So, are we looking at an instance where some kind of charismatic communistic leader person, writing some kind of new Communist Manifesto, and starting some revolution or problems or whatever? Or is it all orchestrated?
A: Very possible.
Q: (Mr. Scott) But there again a million other things are possible. It depends on what happens when you wake up tomorrow morning. (L) Yeah, everything can change. (Perceval)No, but there is this historical cycle where they ramp up the greed and then something comes along to equalize everything. (Mr. Scott) Yeah, that's true. (L) Okay, anything else? I want to say good night. I'm tired.
A: Yes. Goodbye."