© FacebookAmmo the Dog shot in the head
A woman says that her ten-month old puppy was shot in the head after asking officers not to shoot it - twice.On September 22, Anna "Chrissy" Music-Peed, of Macon, GA, drove to the Jones County Sheriff's Department to request an officer come to and investigate a vehicle that had been brought to her property by an acquaintance, that both she and her roommate strongly suspected to have been stolen. Music told policestateusa.com that it was a Nissan Xterra from Virginia Beach, VA. As Music wrote in a
blog post, "I will not have that influence around my family," saying she was trying to do the right thing by making a report. The acquaintance was still on the property and Music had not let on that she had gone to talk to the police. Music wrote on that while she was providing officers with details of the stolen property, and the individual who had brought it over, she also explicitly told the police not to shoot her dogs.
"The puppy may jump, we have been trying to get her out of that," Music explained, stating that the dogs were friendly puppies. She said the officers laughed and told her not to worry about it. Unconvinced, she emphasized again: "PLEASE don't shoot my dogs, they are my babies."
The officers asked her to stay at the station while units were sent to her home to obtain the property and arrest the individual who may have stolen it. Her dogs, Ammo and Half-Pint, and roommate, Kyle Sewall, age 22, waited at home. Sewall gave his account in an exclusive interview with policestateusa.com.
"I was waiting on officers to arrive, Ammo needed to go the bathroom and she had been whimpering for 15 minutes. So I gave in and let her out," said Sewall. "The person who had stolen the property was outside cleaning the stolen vehicle with a shop-vac and while I kept an eye on Ammo I was talking to him playing it cool." He continued: "About 5 minutes later is when the sheriffs pulled up, came flying in. Sgt Little was exiting the vehicle and
as he was exiting I noticed he already had his sidearm trained on Ammo who was just sniffing around the ground wagging her tail. And then she looked up at him, did not growl, did not bark, and before I could say anything he fired his weapon. Shot her point blank in the head," Sewall told
"I went to go rush toward Ammo and he trained his weapon on me," Sewall explained. "I identified myself saying, 'I am Kyle, lower your weapon.' He did and they allowed me to tend to Ammo."
Ammo, the 10-month-old pit bull / mastiff puppy, had been struck in the head with a .40 caliber slug, fired by Sergeant D. Little of the Jones County Sheriff's Department. While Sewall tended to the wounded animal, officers investigated the vehicle and arrested the man who was in possession of it.
Animal Control showed up and asked if Sewall wanted to euthanize the dog. Sewall declined. Some time later, Music returned to the home after being
allowed to leave the sheriff's office. She found Sewall behind a kiddy pool with a strange look on his face. He was cradling her puppy in his arms.
"They shot her," Sewall said.
Music asked Sgt. Little why he had shot her dog, after she had explained to him and other deputies that it was a friendly, harmless puppy, and explicitly had asked him not to shoot it. Music says that Sgt. Little denied that she had told him this, but that an accompanying deputy confirmed her account.
Rather than continue to argue she quickly scrambled to make emergency arrangements to have Ammo treated by a veterinarian on a Sunday. She found an animal hospital and got her dog X-rayed and bandaged up. The bullet had traveled down the dog's skull into its neck, where it disappeared from the X-ray.
She relayed on
Facebook, "They said that Ammo NEEDS this surgery to survive. We need at LEAST $800.00 for the surgery."
Music contacted Captain Mitchell of the Jones County Sheriff's Department, whom she says told her that the dog was shot because it "
charged at" Sgt. Little, which contradicts Sewall's eyewitness account.
It was only a year ago when Sgt. D. Little shot another dog in Jones County; an American Bulldog named Eden.
"It is officers like Sgt. Little, who lack discipline and necessary training and firearm safety, that
pose a threat to the very people that they swore and took an oath to protect," Sewall told policestateusa.com. Ammo's chances of survival depend on that surgery and the owner needs help in funding it. A link below provides an option for contributing to the funding of the surgery.
Accountability CheckLet the department hear your feedback.Jones County Sheriff's Department
Sheriff R.N. "Butch" Reece
Phone-1: (478) 986-3489
Phone-2: (478) 986-3479
Jones County SDFacebook Support Page: Ammo the SurvivorGoFundMe: Surgery for Ammo the Survivor
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