23 May 2013 - Andrew, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia, 19:35 AUST EST
2 to 3 seconds duration. I was facing NW, it came from SE and was heading NW. It appeared at 1 o'clock in the sky and everything disappeared at about 10 o'clock in the sky. Multicoloured! First greens and blues, then orange and a faint but noticeable boom about a minute later. It was very bright, although the moon was nearly full in the eastern sky. There was fragmentation into about 4 or 5 smaller chunks as well as what looked like the usual 'sparks' but only in the last 1 second. This is the first time I've heard a boom accompany a fireball. This one was very large and I have witnessed many large ones - a couple during daytime - but this one is definitely the best and biggest so far!23 May 2013 - Luke K Moggil, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, approximately 19:30hrs
3 seconds duration. E-W, right to left, I was facing north. Blue trails followed scattering chucks, then an orange flame explosion. As bright as Venus. Multiple fragments trailed behind main body. It looked pretty amazing, with a very short-lived but colourful explosion.23 May 2013 - Corbet Tamborine, QLD, Australia, 27.9°S, 153.1°E 19:35 GMT+10 (AUST EST)
2 - 3 seconds duration. Starting about 45 degrees above northern horizon, travelling to the north. White color, very bright, but not as bright as the nearly full moon. It was a single fireball with a tail.
Comment: Comet fragment wows stargazers with celestial maneuvers over Australia's Sunshine Coast, 20 May 2013