Knives, forks, spoons, scissors and even large saucepans all seem to stick to Paulo David Amorim, a Brazilian boy who claims to have magnet-type qualities.
His friends have nicknamed him 'Magnet Boy,' while his astonished doctor says he has never seen anything like it in 30 years as a physician.

The boy's father told local TV station Globo that he decided to test his son after learning of a boy in Croatia with a similar ability.
Junior Amorim says he was surprised to find 'a fork and knife stuck to his body.'
Paulo seems to take his bizarre ability in his stride, letting his father load his up his front and back with metal, rather like a game of Buckaroo.

Thankfully his magnetism is not deemed a health risk.
'We can see that there is a certain adhesiveness, that he does manage to make several objects stick to his body, some of which are pretty heavy, but it is not completely out of the ordinary,' his doctor Dix-Sept Rosado Sobrinho told TV Globo.

Bizarrely, it was not just metal that seemed to be attracted to the youngster. China plates, bowls and even the television remote control seemed to stick chest as well.
Comment: H/t to SOTT reader bngenoh for pointing out this video:
Paulo is not alone it seems.