© Unknown
It is possible that when they circumcised Alan Dershowitz, they binned the wrong bit. Following the recent devastating chain of nuclear disasters in Japan, the lame Zionist advocate has managed to draw the most astonishing conclusion: "Israel Has the Right to Attack Iran's Nuclear Reactors Now". Here is Dershowitz' fascinating, logical, algorithm for us to consider:
- "The recent disaster in Japan has shown the world the extraordinary dangers posed by nuclear radiation"
- "If Iran were to develop nuclear weapons, the next ship destined to Gaza might contain a nuclear dirty bomb"
- "A dirty bomb detonated in tiny Israel would cause incalculable damage to civilian life."
Dershowitz is obviously a complete ignorant -- a 'nuclear dirty bomb' is not exactly something you blithely throw over the fence onto your next-door neighbour:
the Palestinians in Gaza do not need a 'dirty bomb,' and have never expressed any desire to have one. All they want is their land back. And they would be the last to radioactively contaminate their beloved soil.However, unlike the Jewish state that possesses hundreds of nuclear bombs and have also been using WMD against civilians, no one has managed to prove that Iran plans to produce an atomic bomb, or any other weapons of mass destruction. [1]
"Israel" says Dershowitz, "has the right to prevent its civilians from being murdered by Iranian weapons, especially weapons of mass destruction."
Yet, if Dershowitz' logic is valid and consistent, then surely every Arab and Muslim country in the world should also have the right to prevent its own civilians from being murdered by Israel's weapons of mass destruction.
If Dershowitz is correct, the Jewish state would have 'no legal standing to protest a surgical attack on its nuclear facilities', for Israel is a volatile nuclear super power that so far has refused to sign any non-proliferation of nuclear weapons treaty.
In his absurd piece, war enthusiast Dershowitz pretends to present reasonable argument: he says "this is not to say that Israel should attack Iran's nuclear reactors now. That it has the right to do so does not mean that it should not wait for a more opportune time ...But under no circumstances should the military option ever be taken off the table. Israel must preserve its ability to exercise its fundamental right of preventive self defense."
And what about the rest of us Mr. Dershowitz? Do we also have the right of 'self-defense'?
I think that the message is clear. The time is ripe to defend the rest of humanity from the Jewish State and its poisonous messengers. Zionist advocates like Dershowitz should, once and for all, be seen for what they really are, and rejected by our society and academia. Similarly, Israel must be stripped of its nuclear capacity and military might. The Jewish state must be dismantled, before it is too late.
And a No Fly Zone over Gaza and the West Bank is long overdue.
[1] In the past I expressed the idea that an Iranian bomb would be a desirable step towards peace. It could only deter Israel from celebrating its murderous symptoms.
Comment: Interesting that Atzmon mentions circumcision. Perhaps it may explain how Alan Dershowitz reached his "astonishing conclusion".
The Way of the Fool:
The first stage, or circuit, is the oral-passive-receptive, and is imprinted by what is perceived to be the mother or first mothering object. It can be conditioned by nourishment or threat, and is mostly concerned with bodily security. Trauma during this phase can cause an unconsciously motivated mechanical retreat from anything threatening to physical safety.
In recent times I have given a lot of thought to this particular circuit because of the matter of circumcision. Having come to the tentative idea that the whole Judeo-Christian monotheistic rant was a major control program, I came face to face with the question: how and why has it worked so well for so many thousands of years? More than that, how was it imposed in the first place?
I puzzled over this for weeks. I thought about several things that Friedrich Nietzsche had said that struck me like thunderbolts of truth once I was able to really step back and look at the matter:
Neitzsche wrote:
The Jews are the most remarkable nation of world history because, faced with the question of being or not being, they preferred, with a perfectly uncanny conviction, being at any price; the price they had to pay was the radical falsification of all nature, all naturalness, all reality, the entire inner world as well as the outer, They defined themselves counter to all those conditions under which a nation was previously able to live, was permitted to live; they made of themselves an antithesis of natural conditions - they inverted religion, religious worship, morality, history, psychology, one after the other, in an irreparable way into the contradiction of their natural values.[...]
The first "circuit" is concerned with what is safe and what is not safe. In our society, money is one of the primary items that is intimately tied to survival and biological security. Money represents survival. In addition to that, people who have been traumatized during the imprinting phase of the first circuit tend to view other people in an abstract way. It is "us and them." They also tend to be very easily threatened by disapproval of any sort because disapproval suggests the idea of extinction or loss of food supply. And, finally, those who have been negatively imprinted at this stage tend to have a chronic muscular armoring that prevents proper, relaxed breathing; they are "up tight."
One of the main characteristics of people who are heavily controlled by this circuit, or are "stuck" in this "oral phase", is that when they sense danger of any sort, whether actual or conceptual, all mental activity comes to a halt. Such people are chronically anxious and dependent - mostly on religion. They are not able to really understand what other people are feeling or what can happen in the future in regard to relationships, given a certain present situation. They only understand what is happening "now", and they can only feel what THEY feel. They cannot accurately grasp what others feel because they relate to others only as sensory objects."
"Us and them" world -view? Easily threatened by disapproval of any sort because disapproval suggests the idea of extinction or loss of food supply?
In this case, no wonder that the following description of schizoid personality from
Political Ponerologyby Andrew Lobaczewski fits Zionists' attitude toward the rest of the World like a glove.
Literature provides us with descriptions of several varieties of this anomaly, whose existence can be attributed either to changes in the genetic factor or to differences in other individual characteristics of a non-pathological nature. Let us thus sketch these sub-species' common features.
Carriers of this anomaly are hypersensitive and distrustful, while, at the same time, pay little attention to the feelings of others. They tend to assume extreme positions, and are eager to retaliate for minor offenses. Sometimes they are eccentric and odd. Their poor sense of psychological situation and reality leads them to superimpose erroneous, pejorative interpretations upon other people's intentions.
They easily become involved in activities which are ostensibly moral, but which actually inflict damage upon themselves and others. Their impoverished psychological worldview makes them typically pessimistic regarding human nature. We frequently find expressions of their characteristic attitudes in their statements and writings: "Human nature is so bad that order in human society can only be maintained by a strong power created by highly qualified individuals in the name of some higher idea." Let us call this typical expression the "schizoid declaration".[...]
The quantitative frequency of this anomaly varies among races and nations: low among Blacks, the highest among Jews. Estimates of this frequency range from negligible up to 3 %. In Poland it may be estimated as 0.7 % of population. My observations suggest this anomaly is autosomally hereditary.
A schizoid's ponerological activity should be evaluated in two aspects. On the small scale, such people cause their families trouble, easily turn into tools of intrigue in the hands of clever and unscrupulous individuals, and generally do a poor job of raising children. Their tendency to see human reality in the doctrinaire and simplistic manner they consider "proper" - i.e. "black or white" - transforms their frequently good intentions into bad results. However, their ponerogenic role can have macrosocial implications if their attitude toward human reality and their tendency to invent great doctrines are put to paper and duplicated in large editions.
Comment: Interesting that Atzmon mentions circumcision. Perhaps it may explain how Alan Dershowitz reached his "astonishing conclusion".
From The Way of the Fool: "Us and them" world -view? Easily threatened by disapproval of any sort because disapproval suggests the idea of extinction or loss of food supply?
In this case, no wonder that the following description of schizoid personality from Political Ponerologyby Andrew Lobaczewski fits Zionists' attitude toward the rest of the World like a glove.