© Brad Kelly / Wicked LocalA Somerville photographer captured a photo of an apparent meteor streaking across the sky over Harvard Square Saturday night.
Cambridge, Massachusetts -- A Somerville photographer captured a photo of what he believes was a meteor streaking across the sky over Harvard Square Saturday night, our news partner Wicked Local/Cambridge reported.

Brad Kelly said he was late for a movie he wanted to see, so he ended up walking around Harvard Square, snapping photos to pass the time.

At around 8:30 p.m., he said he found himself in front of the Cambridge Savings Bank building, and that's when he captured the picture.

Massachusetts residents in Worcester, Beverly, Newburyport and Marblehead also reported seeing what they believe was a meteor.

"It was a bright white fireball, about as big as the tip of your pinkie at arms length. The red tail turned to green and it dissipated," wrote a woman on a blog that tracks meteor sightings.