Without self knowledge, without understanding the working and functions of his machine, man cannot be free, he cannot govern himself and he will always remain a slave.
free bird basically speaking, this world (however else you wish to describe it and imbibe in it--yakety yak, yakety yak, yak yak yak), is ruled by...
ps - i am still not convinced it is genetic ... that rings like a drug commercial to me .
maybe fevers are beneficial throughout our lives to help stave off alzheimers , and those that take medications that reduce fevers , rather than a...
"Keep your friends close but your enemies closer" is often mistakenly attributed to historical figures like Sun Tzu or Niccolò Machiavelli, but it...
Beautiful quote from Corinthians.
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from a quake land myself I wouldn't worry for anything over 5.0
Also it's the duration that counts too and the kind. Basically in California like where I am it's underground plaques colliding horizontaly so you are relatively safe. It's the quakes moving the ground vertically that are the deadliest. Also depends where you are at the time of the quake. When in 1999 we were hit by a big one I was on the road inside an old small Ford van with big wheels. Didn't feel a thing when some people were killed and a couple of buildings poorly constructed collapsed. Feel them all the time when I'm asleep, correction have time to sleep, and don't even bother to get up from bed. You don't have much time to react if the roof falls on you.So used to them by now.