Illustration of boomerang ufo
© Lightsinthetexassky
A Florida parent and 18-year-old son report watching a large, fast-moving, boomerang-shaped object with no lights move directly overhead on November 3, 2010, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The object was not lit, but they could make out "circular-shaped parts" on the underside.

"The object was a giant 'V' shape (like a boomerang) and there were no lights on it," the parent stated. "However, there were several (I think 5 or 7) large circular shaped parts on the underside of the object that we could clearly see which looked a little like giant headlights that would shine straight down but that were not on."

The witness provided more details on the object.

"In proportion to the boomerang shaped object, the circular parts seemed to be rather large and take up a good portion of the width of each leg of the 'V'. It was dark and we could not see the color of the object nor what it was made out of. It didn't seem 'reflective' or that it was made of metal or glass, but we couldn't be sure because it was so dark and it was fairly high in the sky."

The witness stated that the object moved in a straight line and remained at the same altitude during the sighting.

"It was completely silent and it moved very fast but smoothly through the sky. It simply made a straight line path in its movement from the West toward the East- no turns that we could see. It seemed to be a consistent height the whole time too- not moving any higher or lower as it moved along."

No town name was mentioned in the public portion of the MUFON report, which was filed on November 5, 2010.

The following is the unedited and as yet uninvestigated report filed with MUFON.

Florida, November 3, 2010 - My 18 yr old son and I saw a giant "V" or boomerang shaped object fly silently over our heads from West to East. MUFON Case # 26386.

Last night, after picking my 18 yr old son up from work, we were walking in from the car and stopped on the path in the front yard to look at the stars and planets for a minute. I was pointing out to him how bright Venus is in the sky this time of year. While doing this, we suddenly noticed a very large object moving very fast from the West toward the East, almost directly over our heads.

The object was a giant "V" shape (like a boomerang) and there were no lights on it. However, there were several (I think 5 or 7) large circular shaped parts on the underside of the object that we could clearly see which looked a little like like giant headlights that would shine straight down but that were not on.

It proportion to the boomerang shaped object, the circular parts seemed to be rather large and take up a good portion of the width of each leg of the "V". It was dark and we could not see the color of the object nor what it was made out of. It didn't seem "reflective" or that it was made of metal or glass, but we couldn't be sure because it was so dark and it was fairly high in the sky.

It was completely silent and it moved very fast but smoothly through the sky. It simply made a straight line path in its movement from the West toward the East- no turns that we could see. It seemed to be a consistent hight the whole time too- not moving any higher or lower as it moved along.

It happened so quickly that all we could do was point at it with our mouths open and say, "What in the world is that?" Then it was out of our sight. We quickly went inside the house and then found out that we both saw the same exact thing. We both drew and described the same thing when we compared our perspectives on what we just saw. Unfortunately, since we were walking in from the car, we didn't have a camera with us to film this. Also, it just happened so fast that I don't believe there would have been time to film it.

We both felt very curious and a little excited. We both had a very hard time sleeping after that, but mostly , I just want to know if other people saw this object too. Is there anyone I can talk to about this?