"Maybe this is like shock therapy. Maybe this will actually get the lenders to the table and encourage them to work out deals that are to the benefit of everybody."
--Economist Karl E. Case,
quoted in the
New York TimesThe hits are coming fast and furiously. It appears major Wall Street mortgage lenders could again be in serious trouble - and
looking again for handouts.
On September 20th, Ally Financial Inc., which owns GMAC Mortgage, the nation's 4th largest lender, halted evictions and the resale of repossessed homes in 23 states. This was after a document processor for the company admitted that he had signed off on 10,000 pieces of foreclosure paperwork a month without reading them. The 23 states were all those where foreclosures must be approved by a court, including New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Florida and Illinois.
On September 24th, Representatives Alan Grayson (D-FL), Barney Frank (D- MA) and Corrine Brown (D-FL) directed a letter to Fannie Mae questioning its use of
"foreclosure mills," which were described as "law firms representing lenders that specialize in speeding up the foreclose process, often without regard to process, substance or legal propriety." The letter followed a report by the Florida attorney general's office in August that it was investigating three law firms that had allegedly fabricated documents in thousands of cases to obtain final judgments of foreclosure.
On September 24, California attorney general Jerry Brown asked GMAC to halt foreclosures in his state until the lender could prove it was complying with a law that prohibits lenders from taking steps to foreclose a home before making an effort to work with the borrower. California is a non-judicial foreclosure state, meaning foreclosures do not require the prior approval of a court.
On September 28, JPMorgan Chase said it was
halting 56,000 foreclosures because some of its employees might have improperly prepared the necessary documents. All of the suspensions were in the 23 states where foreclosures require court approval.
On September 29,
the Washington Post reported that a top federal bank regulator had directed seven of the nation's largest lenders to review their foreclosure processes, after learning about widespread mishandling of homeowner evictions. Besides JPMorgan Chase, they included Bank of America, Citibank, HSBC, PNC Bank, U.S. Bank and Wells Fargo. The
Washington Post noted:
"The paperwork problems range from potentially forged documents to bank employees who never read borrowers' files before signing off on an eviction. . . ."While we don't expect our review to find that consumers were harmed, we will take appropriate action if we find any impact," JP Morgan spokesman Tom Kelly said."
No harm perhaps except the illegal taking of thousands of homes without due process . . . .
On September 30, Rep. Alan Grayson posted a devastating seven-minute
video, in which he gave four real-world examples of such travesties of justice, including a man who was foreclosed on when he didn't have a mortgage and paid cash for the home; a home that had two foreclosure suits against it because both servicers claimed ownership of the title; and a couple foreclosed on over a contested $75 late fee.
That's what a snake eating its tail looks like.
My question is this. . . When it comes down to the crunch, if a family refuses to leave their home and shelter, what happens? Do the police march in a tote them out? Do hired security firms haul people out of their homes despite obvious fraud and theft by the banks?
Have shots been fired over this?
And what then becomes of all the people living outdoors? Is this how the government will be filling up all those empty concentration camps?
This is dark stuff, and I sincerely hope communities will be able to pull together and withstand this kind of evil.
My heart goes out to the victims, even as I nervously consider my own four walls.