Kava is a well-known herb that originated in the Pacific. Also scientifically known as Piper Methysticum, the roots and stem hold the key ingredient that has been used for medicinal purposes both in traditional and modern times.

Traditionally chewed or crushed to form a liquid, Kava can now be commonly found in capsules, teas and liquids aimed at reducing a variety of stress and anxiety related conditions and illnesses.

Scientific research has pinpointed its effectiveness whereby in terms of neurotransmission, feel good vibes are sent to the brain which then aids muscle relaxation, increases concentration, decreases insomnia, lowers inhibitions and can also be suitable for pain such as back aches or hyperactivity in children. Although there is no absolute evidence, it has been suggested that Kava may affect serotonin and dopamine neurotransmitters.

Extracts of the Kava root have been processed to provide the population with immediate access to the various associated health benefits. Other health benefits of this herbal remedy include help for asthma, urinary tract infections, depression and menopausal symptoms. Due to its calming and muscle relaxing qualities, it has provided a health improvement to many that would have otherwise still have been suffering.

In recent times, sports persons and business people, to significantly improve performance by reducing daily stresses, have used Kava. It is also interesting to note that the use of Kava has been employed by the military, in some parts of the world, to reduce anxiety and improve the focus of its soldiers.

Concerns have been raised as to the safety of regularly consuming Kava. One of these main concerns involves the liver, where liver toxicity and failure occurred in some patients that were found to be taking a supplement containing the Kava extract - although, this could not be clarified as the patients had also consumed alcohol and other medications.

The effects of prolonged use of this natural substance are yet to be substantiated; however, there have been suggestions that ingesting high doses of Kava can lead to headaches and skin rashes. A single dose of this herbal remedy has found little to no side effects.

Scientists have advised that Kava is not to be used in conjunction with other medicines, alcohol or by pregnant women. As with anything new, it is still recommended to consult a health care provider as your first point of call.

Some federal departments have sought to ban the use of Kava among the general population; however, they have since retracted their statements, due to the growing evidence of Kava related health benefits provided by scientists and researchers.


Natural Health

Insight Journal

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