New global warming research released in the book
"Global Warming - Global Cooling, Natural Cause Found," can now be downloaded free. Research illustrated within the book links the Moon's recurring gravitational cycles as the primary driving force causing 2200 global warming events during the past half million years, including the earth's current warming cycle which is now ending. It also links these natural cycles to the 50 percent increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels seen during the past 8 thousand years, not just the past 150 years. Due to the significance of these findings, Meteorologist and climate researcher David Dilley of Global Weather Oscillations, is now offering the book free to download on the website His book is written in non technical language so everyone from middle school to college professors can understand these important findings concerning the earth's natural cycles.
Mr. Dilley says the gravitational cycles act like a magnet by pulling the atmosphere's high pressure systems northward or southward by as much as 4 degrees of latitude from their normal seasonal positions, and thus causing dramatic changes within the oceans and the earth's atmosphere. With the current gravitational cycle now declining, global temperatures began cooling in 2008-09, and by around the year 2023 there will be dramatic cooling with temperatures becoming similar to those experienced in the 1800's.
David Dilley utilizes nearly a half million years of data linking very specific long term gravitational cycles of the moon as the primary cause for the present global warming, rises in carbon dioxide levels, and for 2200 global warming cycles during the past half million years. The book illustrates seven different types of recurring gravitational cycles ranging from the very warm 460,000 year cycle down to a 230 year recurring global warming cycle. All of these gravitational cycles coincide nearly 100 percent with 2200 global warming events during the past half million years. This includes the earth's current warming cycle which began around the year 1900, and the first stage of global cooling beginning in 2008-09.
The gravitational cycles are called the Primary Forcing Mechanism for Climate (PFM), and act like a magnet by pulling the atmosphere's high pressure systems northward or southward by as much as 4 degrees of latitude from their normal seasonal positions, and thus causing long-term shifts in the location of atmospheric high pressure systems.
The shifts of nearly 4 degrees of latitude, or approximately 380 kilometers (240 miles) results in an overall change in the atmospheric circulation in such a manner to cause the climate to migrate northward during global warming cycles and allow some melting of high latitude snow and ice packs, and a rises in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels through a very complex natural feedback system.
This natural feedback allows carbon dioxide which was being stored and trapped in high latitude vegetation, soils, tundra and colder oceans for up to several hundred thousand years, to be released naturally back into the atmosphere during global warming events.
The natural climate shifts and associated natural rises in carbon dioxide occur approximately every 230 years as a recurring gravitational cycle reaches its peak. Stronger global warmings occur with more powerful cycles every 920 years and 5000 years, with the greatest increase in global temperatures and carbon dioxide levels occurring during what are called mega cycles every 116,000 and 460,000 years.
Every 116,000 years, all but one of the seven different types of PFM gravitational cycles peak at the same time, with these simultaneous peaks causing a major shift in the earth's climate.
These 116,000 year mega global warming cycles have occurred four times during the past 360,000 years, all of which experienced a major rise in temperatures. The temperature rises were then followed by a natural rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels of about 50 percent during the 10,000 year period leading up to the peak of each cycle. This same scenario is occurring during the current 116,000 year global warming cycle, which is now peaking and also experiencing a carbon dioxide increase near 50 percent.
Then every 460,000 years, all seven types of gravitational cycles peak at the same time. This has happened only twice during the past half million years. The first occurrence was 460,000 years ago, with this event causing major long term global warming with portions of the Antarctic becoming nearly void of ice. The next cycle is now occurring 460,000 years later and is again associated with major melting of the ice packs in the Polar Regions during the past 80 years. But there is good news. The gravitational cycle is now causing the earth to enter a natural global cooling phase which will last about 180 years. The ice packs and snow packs are already beginning to increase over northern latitudes, and this will continue until the next global warming cycle in about 180 years.
The release of the free book
"Global Warming- Global Cooling, Natural Cause Found" culminates 19 years of research which clearly links gravitational cycles as the primary cause for cyclical fluctuations within the earth's climate. The book is available free on the
The author David Dilley is a meteorologist and climate researcher with Global Weather Oscillations Inc. (GWO), former meteorologist with the National Weather Service, and co-host of the radio program "the Politically Incorrect Weather Guys" airing weekly on, an internet streaming radio program.
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